Running and Powerwalking!

Running and Powerwalking!
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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

A millionaire is made 10 bucks at a time

I am now in week 2 of my January nutrition program. So far it's been relatively good and I feel great!  I recovered quickly from the mild headaches from eliminating caffeine and I'm now used to drinking more water with lemon, a variety of herbal teas and the occasional mineral water in place of alcohol. But more importantly, my addiction to sweets have lessened! I had no idea that I could and would actually start to crave an apple instead of dark chocolate or fresh figs instead of cookies.  I feel empowered and more motivated to continue.

But I am also motivated to continue for another reason.  My husband recently sent me a very interesting article called " A millionaire is made 10 bucks at a time."   At first, I had no idea why he had sent me this article.  But as I read it, I began to relate the article to my "new nutrition program."

By eating more consciously and healthy, we are both making our own lunches and cooking dinner at home, even on the weekends.  As a result, we are both saving LOADS of money.

We are also saving loads of money by eliminating alcohol.  No longer are we taking turns going to the SAQ to pick up a bottle (or two) of our favorite Saki and/or wine. And since I gave up caffeine, I am no longer lounging around in my favorite coffee shop sipping my usual cup of cappuccino. As a result, we are saving  EVEN MORE money.

So every time I pass by our local restaurants, or think about buying lunch instead of making it at home, or crave sitting in my coffee shop with a good book and cappuccino, I think about the 10 bucks (and sometimes more)  I just saved and how much closer I am to becoming a millionaire!!!!!!

Stay active and anything is possible!

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