Running and Powerwalking!

Running and Powerwalking!
Get fit with me!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

What motivates you to train? Journal continued!

DAY 4:

What a beautiful day for a run!  It was sunny, clear skies and the air was filled with the wonderful smells of Autumn.  I got in a great 3 mile run and an hour powerwalk right afterwards with a client.

Which leads me to share with you my biggest challenge training for the IM.  Not only am I doing my own training, I also have clients that I physically train with. i.e. powerwalk, run and strength train.  So I try and incorporate my own training program with theirs. Therefore today, I ran 3 miles (at a relatively a fast past) to my clients house and then we powerwalked for 3 miles right after.

My legs were quite sore after the run and the powerwalk so as part of my recovery, I take a 15-20 minute epsom salt bath as soon as I returned home. Afterwards, I made a huge vegetable stir fry with black rice, broccoli, tomatoes, onions, celery, spinach, garlic, and loads of spices!

As for my 21 day cleanse, so far so good! I have managed no caffeine, dairy, meat, sugar or alcohol. I have no side effects and I'm starting to feel real good overall. More energy and less bloatedness,

DAY 5:

Today was tough. I had no desire to train but I pushed myself to run 3 miles at an easy pace. Quite often, the first 10 minutes of training are the toughest. But afterwards, I am good to go! Today was no different. I started off with an easy pace and once my heavy legs loosened up, I picked up my pace and continued. I felt great afterwards and as always, I was so happy that I got in my training.

For my recovery, I ate a tablespoon of almond butter, jumped in a cool shower for 10 minutes and then had leftovers from my vegetable stir fry to tie me over until dinner.

For dinner, I cooked a huge pan of vegetables (eggplant, celery, onions, garlic, carrots, white beans, and diced tomatoes) with a variety of spices. (cumin, cayenne pepper and crushed red peppers) I have to admit, this dish got rid of any congestion I may have had!

I found the cleanse challenging today because on Friday nights, I always enjoy  a few glasses of fine red wine. Tonight, I had non - alcoholic beer. The bad news? The beer tasted awful and it was not natural! I did not read the label closely and when I did, I found it was full of coloring and other processed ingredients. The good news? I still refrained from having red wine!

DAY 6:

Weekends can be very hard to be discipline and train.  Family obligations come up, chores have to be done and who doesn't have social events to attend on the weekends? And sometimes, weekends are great to do absolutely nothing! So, how does one motivate himself/herself to train when there are so many other "better" alternatives?  For me, it was putting on my bike workout clothes and then doing my house chores while wearing my bike workout clothes. I discovered early on in my training days that there is something about wearing my workout clothes that motivate me to workout. But today, I discovered something new. I found that I was actually doing my chores faster! I was making it a part of my workout! I will definitely have to try this little experiment again. If I can make doing chores more fun and get them out of the way faster, I will have more time for the other alternative options to my weekends!

PS. Due to the rainy weather, I completed my scheduled 30 minute bike ride on my trainer at home.

DAY 7:

Today is my day off! Yahooooo! But will still make sure that I get in my 10,000 steps! That is a must, no matter what.

Scenic views on my run!

Stay active and anything is possible!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

IRONMAN Lake Placid 2015

As you know, I have registered for the IRONMAN Lake Placid on July 26, 2015.

I am extremely excited! After completing my first IRONMAN in Mt. Tremblant last year, I took a year off to reflect on my accomplishment and REST!  Training is very intense and it consumes an enormous amount of time and it takes true commitment and discipline. So I took all of last year to participate in shorter events, travel, focus on developing my Personal Training and Coaching business and enjoy spending more time with my family and friends. Now I am re-energized and ready to tackle a second IRONMAN!

You may also remember that I decided to use my passion and enthusiasm for sports and registered with the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation to train with and to help *raise a minimum of $5000 for their research in honor of my father.

I recently made another decision. I am going to keep a journal of my training! When I trained for Mt. Tremblant, I was often asked by friends, family and clients what it was like to train, what type of training was involved for an IRONMAN, what did I eat, how did my body respond to the intensity of training, etc. So I thought it would be fun and helpful for myself to share my experiences. You never know, YOU might be inspired to do an IRONMAN yourself!

Day one of my training actually started on Monday, September 29, just after returning from a wonderful mini vacation in Marrakesh.  As I mentioned before, I had a great summer filled with traveling and having fun. Now it is time to put my mental and physical energy into developing a good baseline before the actual training begins. So, here is a recap of the last few days of my training:

DAY ONE: Monday, Sept. 29

I started a 21 day cleanse that entails no caffeine, alcohol, sugar, dairy or fish. I listed fish only because I don't eat beef, pork, chicken or turkey.

For training, I used my bike trainer at home and biked for 45 minutes.  This was a nice steady bike ride with minimal intensity and no intervals. Just an easy pace to start preparing the legs for longer training rides. I have to admit, my bum was quite sore afterwards. It will take a few more weeks before my bum is accustomed to my bike seat again!

DAY TWO: Tuesday, Sept. 30

I have several powerwalking/run clients on Tuesdays so I incorporated my training in with my clients sessions and did hills and interval training.

My cleanse is going well so far. My only challenge is coffee! I miss my morning cappuccino with almond milk!

DAY THREE: Wednesday, Oct. 1

Today I did a 50 minute intense strength training program that included Kettlebells and plyometrics. I definitely will need some more work on my plyometrics! I was exhausted after my first of two sets! But I pushed through it and felt fantastic afterwards.

As for the cleanse, I was certainly put to the test today. We were celebrating a friend's birthday at an amazing restaurant, Liverpool House. I did my best to stick with my program and did not have any wine, dessert or coffee. However, I did have fish since they had a very limited menu with vegetarian options. Even their soups had dairy and bacon in them!

DAY FOUR: Stay tuned!


If you would like to help me reach my goal of raising $5000 to go towards the MMRF, I would be so grateful! Just click on the link below and look for my name under participant. Every little bit helps!
Thank you in advance.

Stay active and anything is possible! 