Running and Powerwalking!

Running and Powerwalking!
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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Mt. Everest

View of camps at EBC

Mt. Everest

I brought Marco with me to base Camp! 

Kerry Mulvaney and I made it to EBC!

The photo is of Marco and I after we got my VISA for England in NYC! 

I couldn't resist doing a few push ups. It's what I do!

Trekking up Kalapatar

I made it! Just waiting my turn for a photo op.

The view is definitely a thumbs up

I'm almost to the very top! 

This is tough! I need a break! 

I made it. 

It's 4am and I'm ready to trek up  Kalapatar! About 5500 metres

Sunrise at Kalapatar

Alicia and I still trekking up Kalapatar

Staying in shape in the Himalyans

Push ups are much harder here! 

Taking a break in between reps! 

I had to try it, a one hand, one leg plank! 

My student, Abdul

A perfect place to meditate 

Staying in shape in the Himaylans

Nepalese scenes on the trek

Day 5 on the trek

Family studying


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A horse walks into a bar....