Running and Powerwalking!

Running and Powerwalking!
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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Coffee Alternatives

Coffee. It's shocking how that 6 letter word has millions of us addicted to it's aroma, it's taste and it's stimulating effect of waking us up in the morning or getting us through that afternoon slump.  I was one of those individuals until I made a conscious decision 3 years ago to reduce the amount of coffee I drank.

I used to start my day off with a large Vanilla Bean coffee from Second Cup and after 2pm, depending on how tired or foggy I felt, I would have another large Vanilla Bean coffee.  But once I realized how much sugar was in those cups of coffee, I made a commitment to stop drinking them. It was not easy! I had no idea how much buying those 2 cups of coffee (sometimes 3!) was part of my daily ritual. Not to mention how irritable I felt (and was) for not having my regular coffees and the agonizing headaches I experienced.  So I decided to slowly switch to drinking black coffee. But this was not any easier. I was addicted to sugar coffees and I craved them even more when I gave them up! 

As a personal trainer, this was truly a dilemma for me.  So I decided to look for alternatives to coffee. Here are some of those alternatives. I've tried them all except for the hot Maca. But I just bought some yesterday and plan on trying it this week!

Hot Maca

A few tablespoons of maca blended in a cup of warm almond milk, (if you have an espresso machine, use that to warm the almond milk) with a splash of raw honey and ground cinnamon is a delicious way to start the morning. Maca has adrenal boosting properties and will give you that boost without the crash of coffee.

Dandelion Herbal Coffee Blend

This is the closest to coffee flavor that you’ll get. Roasted dandelion, chicory root and maca.  I created my own version and for me, it's the next best thing to a Starbucks coffee moca!

One tea bag of Organic Roasted Dandelion Root from Traditional Medicinals steeped for 3-5 minutes with 1 tablespoon of cacoa powder. 

Matcha Green Tea

Matcha green tea has been labeled as a  superior antioxidant, detoxifier and energy booster. "Because you ingest the high-quality powder, rather than the herb infusion, the health benefits are higher than those of green tea"

Organic, Single-Origin Coffee

If you really just can't or just don't want to give up your cup of java, you can always try organic coffee.  "Poorly sourced coffee contains mycotoxins (mold) that make your coffee less healthy."  So why not experiment and visit you local coffee shops (mom and pop style) and ask your local coffee roasters about the source and quality of their beans. When you find the right coffee bean for you, limit your regular coffee to special occasions or better yet, stick with your new organic coffee! 

Lemon Water

I know this isn't coffee, but I couldn't resist adding it. The benefits of drinking hot water with fresh squeezed lemon are limitless! It's a great way to start off your day and wake up your metabolism!  More about this topic shortly! 

Stay active and anything is possible! 

* References from Mind, Body, Spirit website. 

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