Running and Powerwalking!

Running and Powerwalking!
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Monday, October 22, 2012

Everything is Perspective

Yesterday I sat wondering what I should write about for my next blog. I wanted to sum up what I learned during my holiday in Kenya. But I didn't know where to start!  Then today, I received my weekly "thought for the day" by Tim Cork and it pretty much summed up what part of my trip had the most impact on me. I hope this will impact you and how you see the simple pleasures in your own life.

Stay active and anything is possible!

Perspective …Pursue the Simple Pleasures 

“We don’t see things as they are. We see things as we are”
                                                                          -Anais Nin

A wealthy father decided to show his seven year old son how “poor people” lived. They drove from their big house in the city to a little farm in the country where his friend and his “poor” family lived. They spent the night with the family in their small wood-framed house. They had no television, no fancy furniture and no carpet. Since there was no entertainment in the house, this family spent a lot of time on their porch, where they sang, told stories and laughed together.  After being there for two nights, the wealthy father and his son headed back home. The father was curious to see if his son had learned his intended lesson. So, he asked how he enjoyed their adventure.

The little boy said, “Oh, Dad, I really loved it.” “Well son, do you see how poor people can be?” “Yes, Dad, I do.” “Tell me, what did you learn?” “Well, Dad, I learned that we have one dog at home and they have four. We have a swimming pool in the middle of our backyard, but they have a stream with no end. We have fancy lights on our house, but they have the stars. We watch TV by ourselves at night, but they sit around as a family play games and have fun. ” His dad shook his head, knowing that his plan had backfired. But then his son added: “Dad, thank you so much for showing me how poor we really are.”

“The question is not what you look at, but what you see”
                                                 -Henry David Thoreau

The simplest of things can be so powerful and often we miss them at work and at home …

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