Running and Powerwalking!

Running and Powerwalking!
Get fit with me!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Now that the summer is here, it’s hard to think of training inside. Well guess what?  You don’t have to! There are many ways you can workout without having to train inside.  Here are some examples of how you can train outdoors and get in a workout while having fun.

Kayaking: Targets the core and upper body (shoulders, back, biceps)
Biking:  Targets the legs (quadriceps, hamstrings, calves) and core
Golfing: Targets the upper body (shoulders, biceps, back) and core (including the Obliques) It also  works the
            legs from all the walking
Swimming: This is a low impact exercise that works the whole body
Tennis: Targets the upper body, (shoulders, back, arms) core, (including the obliques) and legs (quadriceps, 
            hamstrings, calves, inner and outer thighs),
Hiking: Targets legs, (quadriceps, hamstrings, calves), back, core and arms if you use hiking poles
Rollerblading: Targets legs (quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, inner and outer thighs), and core
Gardening (Including mowing the lawn): Targets the entire body
Water skiing: Targets the entire body as well as balance!
Powerwalking: Targets the entire body and is very low impact 

Many people are surprised that powerwalking can be considered a form of training.  But it is! Powerwalking burns fat, rids you of stress, improves our self esteem and can help improve your fitness level. It is also a low impact form of exercise. If you suffer from sports injuries or find high impact exercising difficult, powerwalking is the perfect alternative because it reduces stress absorbed by your body. It can actually be more beneficial to your body than running! 

So now that you have some ideas as to how you can exercise outdoors, get out there and train. The world is an open gym. 

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE all of these examples. For me, winter is the worst! When summer rolls around I love taking advantage and training outside. The best part, it's so much fun it doesn't even feels like exercise.
