Running and Powerwalking!

Running and Powerwalking!
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Friday, September 23, 2011

Low back pain?

The most common complaint I hear from my clients, friends and family is low back pain. So for today's topic, I thought I would highlight an article from one of my favourite websites:

Your body undergoes so much stress on a daily basis. The last thing your body needs is additional stress caused by improperly lifting, bending, or simply getting out of bed. Simply put, our leg muscles are stronger than our back muscles, so use them! Below are some simple techniques that will help keep your spine healthy:

Getting up from floor: Roll onto your side first, and then push through your hands to come to an upright position. Come to a kneeling position, then place one foot forward on the floor. Place your hands on your forward knee. Use your legs and arms to push yourself to a standing position.

Getting out of bed: Roll onto your side first, and then push through your hands to come to an upright position. Swing legs over the side of the bed and sit up, then use legs and arms to come to a standing position. For individuals with weak abs (such as new mothers or previously sedentary individuals), is important to roll to your side to sit versus pulling yourself straight up, which places a lot of stress on your abdominal muscles.

Doing laundry: Always squat or kneel to get clothes in and out of the dryer. Avoid twisting back and forth from machine to laundry basket. When folding clothes, sit with clothes in front of you, or have them on a surface that allows you to stand up straight.

The guidelines may seem like commonsense, but when you're busy (or just not thinking about it) it's easy to make mistakes here and there. Just because it doesn't hurt now doesn't mean that you aren't causing some damage. Protect your back now to avoid problems in the future.

Time Involved: A couple seconds to think and correct

Body Benefit: Less back pain now and in the future

Stay active and anything is possible!


  1. Hi Donna,

    These are great tips, my Dad commonly has lower back pain, I will be sure to have him use some of these.

  2. Glad I could offer some helpful suggestions. Without a strong back and core we are limited in our physical capabilities!

    Stay active and anything is possible!
