Running and Powerwalking!

Running and Powerwalking!
Get fit with me!

Friday, August 5, 2011

You might be a runner if..........

People you meet in town know you as "that running girl"

You get incredibly offended when someone says they saw you "jogging"

Most people look at you strange when you use "easy" and "10" in the same sentence

You know the mileage on your sneakers better than on your car

You see someone running and try to guess their pace

You see someone running and are jealous that you are not.....even if you already went that day

You plan what & when you eat around when you will be running that day

You know which side of the streets have shade at certain times of the day

You search through local running results.....even if you didn't run any races that weekend

You wear each race t-shirt as a badge of honor

After you get done your run, you immediately start planning your next one

You giggle at the doctor's advice to "take some time off"

The doctor takes your blood pressure and says "you're a runner, huh?"

It doesn't scare you to drink from a cup that some stranger hands you in the middle of the road

You run through traffic without a care

You get as excited about a new pair of sneakers as others get about a new car

It took your spouse years and a talk with another spouse of a runner to finally understand that this is normal.....for runners

When you are not are thinking about running

Throwing up after a hard run is a badge of honor

You get tired if you don't run

You nodded your head with a smile as you read this list!

Thank you to my good friend Jennifer Treacy for sending this to me!

Stay active and anything is possible!

1 comment:

  1. I am nursing an injury and have had to cut back on my running. Being obsessed with running makes every statement on the list even more important!
