Running and Powerwalking!

Running and Powerwalking!
Get fit with me!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

My next big Adventure!

This photo was taken after finishing the 100KM Oxfam Trailwalker this past July. My team mates and I completed the walk in 24hours and 27 minutes with no sleep!

The reason I am posting this photo now is that I am now starting to train for my next big adventure! Trekking to Base Camp of Mt. Everest in May of 2012!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Tips to help you shrink your belly

I just came back from a lovely long weekend visiting my good friends in Boston and one of the most asked questions of me was "How do I lose my belly fat?"

I put together a short list of healthy, natural and easy tips that will help you manage your weight!

Eat vegetables and fruit, specially orange ones. (however, if I had to recommend one over the other, I'd chose veggies!)

Women have also been show to lose their waists by replacing refined grains like white bread and simple or added sugar with carbs from fruits and vegetables. Besides packing in the fiber, which keeps you feeling full longer, researchers suspect it's the rich antioxidants, such as vitamin C and beta-carotene, that ward off ab fat.

Carrots, cantaloupe, squash, and peaches are great sources of beta-carotene, while oranges, berries, and kiwi provide a good dose of C.

To keep calories down, pick veggies, like bell peppers, before fruits, and choose fruits over juice.

Below is information regarding the benefits of eating vegetables and fruits.

Mangoes/Pineapples: Aid in Digestion

Artichokes/Radishes: Cleanses the liver

Cherries: Diuretic and laxative qualities

Strawberries: Flush out toxins

Grapes: Cleanse kidneys, liver and aids in digestion. They are also good to eat before a run because it is a good source of energy as they contain many CHO in high concentration

Asparagus: Helps excrete waste and promotes the renewal of bodily organs

Cucumber, leeks and celery: eliminates waste

Figs: (fresh, dried, raw cooked) Cleansing effect on the intenstines, increases volume of stools an accelerate their removal

Eat Protein!

Why do you need protein?
1.Growth and repair of body tissues, including muscle, tendons, and ligaments.
2.Hormones: regulates sugar and fat metabolism
3.Transportation of oxygen throughout the body
4.Enzymes: controls the chemical processes of the ENTIRE body: Digestion and energy metabolism

Here is a list of foods that contain a good source of protein.

Omega 3 enriched hard boiled eggs, plain or greek yogurt, low fat cottage cheese, goat cheese, lean sliced meats, turkey breast, skinless chicken, fish, clams, grilled calamari, Kidney beans, chickpeas, lentils, oatmeal (steel oats), nuts, seeds, almond butter, Quinoa, Hemp, salmon, tuna

Other nutrition tips:

Look for breads with the words 100% whole wheat or 100% whole grain, choose tortilla wraps, pita bread, sourdough bread, rye bread

Take an Omega 3 supplement for inflammatory prevention

Incorporate Salba, nature’s most powerful whole food: Promotes balanced blood sugar by reducing glycemic response by up to 40%, supports healthy weight management and digestion. It’s full of calcium, magnesium and iron.

You can buy Salba in a Nutrition Store: GNC, Whole Foods, Trader Joes

Drink lots of green tea!

I could go on and on with recommendations and suggestions! But hopefully this will give you a good head start as you work toward your health goals!

Stay active and anything is possible!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

You can make a difference!

I came across the article today on It hit home because I've been contemplating organizing a fund raising event to benefit children. Could this be a sign for me to move ahead and get this idea off the ground?

Greatness happens when people get together and pool their strengths for each other's benefit. It happens when lessons are passed down and taken even further. Who do you know in your life that you could learn from? Do you have a hero? How can you build on the opportunities that are given to you? How will you pass your knowledge down to the coming generation? Learn your strengths and the strengths of the people around you. Find out how you can help each other achieve what you never could alone. Right now, you can be the one "seeing farther." Be the "giant with shoulders" for someone else. Either way, you'll be part of something big.

Stay active and anything is possible!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Movember Diet #7

Run for your Life!

Okay, you don’t have to run, but move, move, move! Make Movember the month you get out and exercise more, enhance your immune system, and lose those extra pounds. Research shows that exercise is great for what ails you…and for preventing things that could, including prostate disorders like BPH, prostatitis, and prostate cancer. That’s because exercise increases your immunity and overall wellness, while a healthy weight decreases inflammation that can cause or contribute to prostate disease. Research has shown that men who have prostate cancer have more than a twofold risk of dying of the disease if they are obese rather than normal weight. Exercise is a great stress reducer, and stress can be a huge factor in erectile dysfunction and other sexual performance issues. So make Movember your moving month, and once it’s over, keep on truckin’!

This tip is brought to you by The official site for Prostate Cancer.

Stay active and anything is possible!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Movember Diet Tip #6

I think tip # 6 comes at an appropriate time as we confront all the rain from the last couple of days!

Get a tan! (the natural way)

Every man looks better with a tan and here is one more reason to get outside in the sun: you can look great on the outside while getting 10,000 International Units (IUs) from just 20 minutes of sun (without sunscreen) to benefit your insides. Along with being essential for strong bones and healthy nerve function, vitamin D also has a role in prostate health. At least one study has found that low levels of vitamin D circulating in the bloodstream is associated with a greater risk of prostate cancer and an enlarged prostate. Calcitriol, the hormonally active form of vitamin D, has anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it a player in helping prevent prostatitis. But there’s more: calcitriol can also inhibit tumor growth, invasion, and spread. For times when the sun’s not shining or you’re stuck indoors, keep vitamin D supplements on hand. Because even if you can’t tan, you want your insides to be great too. And don’t forget to put on the sunscreen after your 20 minutes in the sun!

Stay active and anything is possible!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Movember Tip #5

We've all heard so much about Omega 3's and why we need them. But it never hurts to repeat what we already know. This time we might apply it or at least remember it when we are putting together a grocery list!

Men love to fish, and here is the best reason yet to toss in your line. Coldwater fish and seafood are a super source of omega-3 fatty acids, which in turn are especially important for prostate health. The two main omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and seafood, eicosapentaenic acid (EPA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA), may reduce your risk of getting prostate cancer. In fact, one University of California study found that men who ate fish rich in EPA/DHA at least once a week had a 63% reduced risk of developing prostate cancer. Omega-3s not only help prevent prostate cancer cell growth, they also have anti-inflammatory properties, which make them beneficial in fighting an inflamed prostate (prostatitis). If your diet has been coming up short on the recommended amount of omega-3s (the American Heart Association recommends getting 0.5 to 1.8 grams of EPA and DHA daily), now’s the time to cast your line for salmon, tuna, halibut, flounder, shrimp, and more. If you’re having a little trouble reeling in the fish, supplements can fill in the gaps.

Stay active and anything is possible!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Movemember Tip #4

I am one day late with Tip #4, but for a good reason. Yesterday was my birthday and what a lovely day I had. I received so many wonderful birthday wishes and it made me feel so special. I am so grateful and it went very well with today's holiday. Thanksgiving! Happy Thanksgiving to you and to your family.

Tip #4 from the official site for Prostate Cancer,

Bet you didn’t know that not only can you eat cancer killing foods, but that they taste great, too. In The Prostate Diet, there are a variety of foods and their components that have all been shown to be potential cancer killers. Did you know that a rich pasta sauce consisting of tomatoes, mushrooms, and cayenne contains three cancer killing foods all by itself? Turmeric (curry, anyone?), pomegranates, and more can provide your body with potent immune system boosters and natural weapons against prostate cancer, in Movember and every month. And they are so easy to include as part of your diet, you won’t even know the battle is going on!

Stay active and anything is possible!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Movember Diet Tip #3

Make Movember the month you forego the meat and replace it with delicious plant protein (or at least reduce your intake of meat protein if that’s too much to ask!). Red meat and especially grilled meat and processed meats (e.g., sausage, hot dogs, salami) have been associated with a greater risk of prostate cancer. But will plant protein give you all the protein your body needs? Absolutely! The Recommended Dietary Allowance of protein is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram (2.2 lbs) of body weight daily (or somewhat more if you’re into bodybuilding or heavy physical labor). Translation: about 54 grams of protein daily for a 150-lb adult. Plant protein is abundant in beans, lentils, amaranth, kamut, pumpkin seeds, seitan, tempeh, split peas, and more. And who knows? You may feel so good after Movember, you might make this a habit for the other 11 months of the year. Unfamiliar with some of these plant protein sources?

(the above is referenced from, the official site of The Prostate Cancer Institute, in Men's Health)

Me: I gave up all pork, chicken and beef for almost three now and I feel absolutely great! I've discovered a variety of vegetables and other sources of protein I never knew even existed. I definitely recommend trying to give up meat for at least one week. I guarantee your body will thank you!

Stay active and anything is possible!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Movember Diet Tip #2

I know you've all been waiting anxiously for Tip #2. Well, wait no longer. Here it is!
(PS. This is one of my favourites!)

(PSS. Tip provided to you by, the official site of The Prostate Cancer Institute, in Men's Health)

Why wait for the new year: make a Movember resolution to go Fast-Food Free for 30 days.
(From me: yes, you read correctly, 30 days. Not 3 minutes!) After that, the rest will be easy. Fast food is plagued with the 3 Fs–fatty, fried, and fatal—and puts you on the fast track to bad prostate health. Saturated fat, trans fat, and empty calories are abundant in most fast food, while it is also low in important nutrients and fiber. So if you feel your car steering toward a fast food window, remember: if you can drive through it, drive past it!

Stay active and anything is possible!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Movember Diet

For the next 11 days, I would like to share with you one healthy tip a day from a Diet that I came across from, the official site of The Prostate Cancer Institute, in Men's Health.

Remember, knowledge is power so please share this with your loved ones, friends, and colleagues.


Coffee gets a lot of press, but much of it is confusing and contradictory. Not so with green tea, which is rich in antioxidants called catechins and very low in caffeine. Green tea is the beverage to enjoy every day for better prostate health. Catechins have been shown to fight prostate cancer cells, reduce symptoms of BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia), and help stem the inflammation and bacterial infection associated with prostatitis. Enjoy green tea hot or over ice, in a smoothie for breakfast or with a meal. Make the switch to green tea this month, and you may never look back.

Stay tuned for tip #2!

Stay active and anything is possible!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Start your health and fitness program today!

It’s never too late or too early to begin your journey in health and fitness! Here are 10 steps you can take today to get started. I found these tips through one of my favorite websites, It's full of helpful tips, inspiration and motivational tips. The perfect recipe to help you create a health and fitness strategy and a plan to stick with it!


1. Write out your goals and desires. What’s your wellness vision? Where do you envision yourself three to five years from now? Set three-month and weekly goals based on your wellness vision. Goals should be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Action-based, Realistic and Time-oriented.

2. Ask what, when and how. Make a list of the hurdles that keep getting in your way of living a life of wellness. Then determine which ones are true obstacles – things that you need to work around or find solutions to. And the excuses – ‘nuf said!

3. Have a plan. Rarely, if ever, is any major task or project accomplished without a plan in place. Lay out a plan for accomplishing your goals, as well as solutions for overcoming the hurdles. This is your game plan – it should be flexible, but have fortitude, fun, but not “fluff.” And make it active. Include specific steps you will take to reach your goals.

4. Start a journal. Your goals, desires, barriers, obstacles, excuses, solutions and plan should all be a part of your journal. Make your journal yours. Set it up so it’s easy to use so that you will use it. Include space to just let your thoughts flow. Use it to let out your feelings, vent, rejoice, or celebrate. You’ll be amazed at how freeing it is!

5. Begin your journey where you’re standing now. Where are you right now, this moment, on your journey? Accept where you are and where you need to be and begin the steps necessary to bridge that gap. If, however, you find that old issues keep popping up, preventing you from reaching your goals, you may need to seek counseling. Sometimes the only way to move forward is to first go backward.

6. Take one step at a time. What happens when a builder forgets an important step in building a house? Or a chef leaves out an important ingredient in a recipe? Doesn’t work so well, does it? It’s the same thing with your life. You must take certain steps in order to reach a place of wellbeing—and make it fit your lifestyle.

7. Learn from your setbacks. Making mistakes and experiencing failure is all a part of being human and living. Rather than getting down on yourself, take that setback and turn it into something positive – something you can use to reach your goals. Sometimes life is indeed two steps forward, one step back!

8. Spend some time “cleaning house.” This is intended to be both literal and figurative. When our homes are a cluttered mess, it’s impossible to function well. Ditto for our schedules. Create a list of your activities and decide which ones aren’t contributing to your overall purpose in life. “De-fluff” that schedule and concentrate on those activities that bring meaning to your life, and ultimately to others!

9. Stop comparing yourself to others. We’re bombarded by images of “perfect” bodies every day. It’s easy to get caught up in all of it and feel as though we’ll never measure up – and chances are, we won’t. Let’s get real! These images are results of computer imagery, great lighting, professional make-up artists, self-starvation, plastic surgery and really good genes. Stop comparing yourself to a fantasy and just be the best you that you can be.

10. Reward yourself. It’s OK to feel good about yourself! And it’s OK, and beneficial, to reward yourself for your accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem. A meal at your favorite restaurant, a date at the movies, a new outfit, a bubble bath… whatever you wouldn’t normally take the time to do, as long as it contributes to your wellbeing, is a great reward!

Stay active and anything is possible!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Getting back on track

The most common health and fitness topic this week has been how I do get back on track?

Exercising and eating healthy on a daily basis can be quite challenging. So, what do you do when your motivation decreases and you fall off the fitness wagon? Here are some of my favourite recommendations.

1. Start your day by eating a healthy breakfast. If you eat healthy right from the start, you'll be more likely to stay consistent and eat healthy throughout the day.

2. Exercise for at least 10-15 minutes a day. No matter how busy we think we are, we can always find at least 10 minutes to do 1 exercise. ie. 1 set of 20 pushups followed by 1 set of 20 sit ups.

3. Take the stairs rather than the elevator. Every little bit counts! You can even make this more challenging by walking up the stairs 2 steps at a time.

4. Walk! Take a walk at lunch, get off the bus a few stops earlier, or go for a 15 minute walk when you feel your energy level decreasing late in the afternoon. By moving your body, you are stimulating your muscles, including your brain muscle! You'll find yourself more alert and awake and ready to tackle the rest of your day!

5. Work out with a buddy. We all know that when we make a commitment to a friend, family member or colleague, we are more likely to stick with it. So go ahead and make yourself more accountable by recruiting a buddy into your fitness routine! You'll be doing them a favour as well!

Stay active and anything is possible!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

An inspiration to us all

If you ever doubt your physical capabilities or you hit a wall during a race and wonder "am I going to make it to the finish line?" use this story of an incredible man to help keep you going. I know I will!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Are you too busy to exercise?

""Where did the day go?""

Is this a common question in your life? Many of us pack so much into our daily routines, there's seemingly no time to relax, let alone exercise. Lack of time is one of the most common excuses for not having a decent fitness regimen. But do you realize that in the time it might take you to go through your e-mail, you could fit in a good workout? We're not talking about giving up 60 minutes either; all you need is 10.

Just 10?
Forget the ""all or nothing"" mentality when it comes to exercise. Fitness does not live or die by 60-minute workouts; there is middle ground. Short spurts of exercise, when they accumulate, have been shown to share similar benefits of longer workouts.

So after reading my blog, get up and do one of the following exercises! It only takes 10 minutes!

Workout 1: Light jog in place (2 minutes), jump rope (2 minutes), light jog (2 minutes)
Workout 2: Sit-ups (2 minutes), 25 push-ups, sit-ups (2 minutes), 25 push-ups
Workout 3: Light jog in place (2 minutes), 1 set squats (8-12 repetitions), 1 set lunges, 1 set squats, 1 set lunges, leg stretches (2 minutes)
Workout 4: Take your dog (or just yourself!) for a quick walk around the block
Workout 5: Walk/run up and down the stairs 5 times
Workout 6: Brisk walk in place with arms pumping, knees up (3 minutes), 25 jumping jacks, brisk walk (3 minutes)
Workout 7: Light jog in place (2 minutes), fast jog in place (5 minutes), light jog in place (2 minutes)

(these exercises are brought to you by sparkpeople!)
Stay active and anything is possible!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Get Fit by Walking

Need a new challenge for the fall? Why not join me for the 5K Powerwalking Clinic with the Rosedale Running Room! This is an ideal program for those interested in Stress Management & Weight Loss. It also enhances the benefits of walking and essentially turns walking into a workout!

This 10 week program starts Monday, October 17th at the Rosedale Running Room located at 1087 Yonge Street. The clinic portion meets every Monday at 6:30pm and our practice walks will occur every Wednesday at 6pm and Sunday at 8:30am.

What do you have to lose other than weight?

Please don't hesitate to email me with any questions at

Stay active and anything is possible!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Take Action Now! by Tim Cork

On a weekly basis, I receive inspirational stories that I absolutely love! This one really hit home with me because I hear so many people putting off what they are most passionate about because they don't feel the timing is right for some reason or another. I've always been a believer of "Just do it!" (one of my favourite advertisements of all time by NIKE)

So whatever you've put off the last week, month, or years, now's the time to get moving and take action!

“Don’t wait. The Time will never be just right”
- Napoleon Hill

Excel, get great or extraordinary at what you love now. Don’t hesitate and don’t wait. Don't put it it now. When we postpone things we put ourselves in the land of regret or on the edge of that territory. Don’t hold back, go all out. Whatever you want to do grab onto it with both hands and ride hard. Too often we wait it out until retirement to enjoy life to the fullest. Do it now and build on it even more when you retire. Travel now, exercise now, eat great foods now, love now, work hard now. Live in the moment and live well. Use your best China now, have a party now, visit your mother now.

Here is a powerful and revealing question. When was the last time you did something for the first time? What was it? Do something totally new, do something totally outside your comfort zone. Do something outrageous. Shock yourself occasionally by doing something you think isn't for you or you are scared of. Scare yourself occasionally.

Dream, set goals and go after what you plan for but also mix it up and step outside what you've planned. Spontaneity is a wonderful gift to give to yourself. Stop being so predictable. Stop being so bloody boring. Outrageous is powerful and memorable and a good educator. What are your limits. Push that edge occasionally.

From Tim Cork, President of Straight A's INC

Stay active and anything is possible!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Low back pain?

The most common complaint I hear from my clients, friends and family is low back pain. So for today's topic, I thought I would highlight an article from one of my favourite websites:

Your body undergoes so much stress on a daily basis. The last thing your body needs is additional stress caused by improperly lifting, bending, or simply getting out of bed. Simply put, our leg muscles are stronger than our back muscles, so use them! Below are some simple techniques that will help keep your spine healthy:

Getting up from floor: Roll onto your side first, and then push through your hands to come to an upright position. Come to a kneeling position, then place one foot forward on the floor. Place your hands on your forward knee. Use your legs and arms to push yourself to a standing position.

Getting out of bed: Roll onto your side first, and then push through your hands to come to an upright position. Swing legs over the side of the bed and sit up, then use legs and arms to come to a standing position. For individuals with weak abs (such as new mothers or previously sedentary individuals), is important to roll to your side to sit versus pulling yourself straight up, which places a lot of stress on your abdominal muscles.

Doing laundry: Always squat or kneel to get clothes in and out of the dryer. Avoid twisting back and forth from machine to laundry basket. When folding clothes, sit with clothes in front of you, or have them on a surface that allows you to stand up straight.

The guidelines may seem like commonsense, but when you're busy (or just not thinking about it) it's easy to make mistakes here and there. Just because it doesn't hurt now doesn't mean that you aren't causing some damage. Protect your back now to avoid problems in the future.

Time Involved: A couple seconds to think and correct

Body Benefit: Less back pain now and in the future

Stay active and anything is possible!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Portion Control

No matter how much weight you want to lose, portion control will pay a huge factor in getting the results you want. In this day and age, the average serving size has increased tremendously which makes it more challenging for those trying to lose weight.

Here's an article that offers great suggestions on how to eat less!

Stay active and anything is possible!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Try a new fitness class this fall!

I'm back and ready to keep you updated on my various adventures! Today I'd like to share with you a new class that I've just fallen in love with. It's challenging, fun, and it stimulates your brain!

This class is called Body Conditioning By Dancers created and taught by Eva Redpath. So what is it exactly?

I consider this class a "boot camp" style class. But what makes her class so unique is that her program is actually choregraphed to music! Who would have thought you could perform push ups, lunges, squats, to the beat and in time to the music? Not to mention, you learn new exercises that only a masochist could create.

But most importantly, what makes her class so unique is that she actually cares that you have the proper form and technique. She has instructors, called the "Form Police" who attend classes to ensure everyone is performing the exercises properly. Modifications are always provided if needed.

If you're curious like me, I've included her website for your review. Trust me, you have to see it to believe it! On her website, she's included a video to give you an idea of what her class entails. But don't be fooled. It may look easy but I've had my butt kicked in 2 of her 6 week sessions so far! I'm now on my 3rd and it's even harder than the first two!

Hope to see you one of her classes!

Stay active and anything is possible!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Ignite the Energy Within!

Every time I sit down to write a blog, my mind wanders as I try to pick a topic to discuss. Then something out of the blue comes my way and voila, a topic hits me!

As I was going through my daily emails, I opened my "Thought for the Week" email sent from Tim Cork, President and Founder of an amazing networking group I was honoured to be a part of called "Straight A's Inc." I instantly knew this was a topic for me to post! In fact, it practically screamed my name! It was all about energy, POSITIVE ENERGY! So I am sharing this "thought for the week" with you. Enjoy, Ignite and Share!

Energy is seen in the way you carry yourself. Do you exude energy and transfer it to those around you? Or do you suck it out of people? Nobody likes to be in a room full of energy vampires. The amount of energy you give, whether positive or negative, determines how you are perceived and how you are treated

Positive body language

Your body language demonstrates energy all day long. This energy is like a chain reaction. Two positive energies build on each other to create more and more positive energy. It’s like being with Oprah when she gets everyone pumped up during the taping of one her shows. The expression on her face, her stance, her posture exude confidence and enthusiasm channeling energy to each audience member. The energy level keeps building and building as people become more excited, positive, and energized. It’s the law of attraction: energy attracts energy and builds on energy.

Words and positive energy

Talking positively reinforces positive energy. The effects are immediate. You can actually see people light up when they listen to someone whose words are fueled by positive energy. People have to believe in that energy and in the person who is leading or speaking. When they do, watch out! Words that inspire create energy. Words accompanied by the right body language can create a genuine and contagious energy.

Are you contagious … is your energy level on full … if not, plug it in …

Thanks Tim Cork!

Stay active and anything is possible!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Work out tips

This video is presented by my colleague Chris Kornacki, Personal Training Manager and Trainer at Totum Life Science. I wanted to share his healthy work out tips for you because not only is it informative, it is short, easy to understand and straight to the point!

A few work out tips I'd like to add is the following:

1. Find an activity you love to do!

Why? You're more likely to stick with your exercise program if you love what you are doing!

2. Exercise with a buddy!

Why? Having someone to exercise with enhances your accountability. Who wants to let a friend down when you've committed to exercising with them?

3. Set realistic goals.

For example, if you haven't exercised all summer, rather than jumping right into a 3-5 day exercise routine, start with two or three 20-30 minute work outs for 4 weeks.

Why? Exercising for 60 minutes straight can be daunting to many people. Let alone exercising up to 5 times a week! But if you break it down to a more realistic time frame such as 20-3ominutes training sessions, there is less of a time commitment and therefore, you are more than likely to exercise.

I hope these tips are helpful and will encourage you to get active and stay active!

Stay active and anything is possible!

Friday, August 5, 2011

You might be a runner if..........

People you meet in town know you as "that running girl"

You get incredibly offended when someone says they saw you "jogging"

Most people look at you strange when you use "easy" and "10" in the same sentence

You know the mileage on your sneakers better than on your car

You see someone running and try to guess their pace

You see someone running and are jealous that you are not.....even if you already went that day

You plan what & when you eat around when you will be running that day

You know which side of the streets have shade at certain times of the day

You search through local running results.....even if you didn't run any races that weekend

You wear each race t-shirt as a badge of honor

After you get done your run, you immediately start planning your next one

You giggle at the doctor's advice to "take some time off"

The doctor takes your blood pressure and says "you're a runner, huh?"

It doesn't scare you to drink from a cup that some stranger hands you in the middle of the road

You run through traffic without a care

You get as excited about a new pair of sneakers as others get about a new car

It took your spouse years and a talk with another spouse of a runner to finally understand that this is normal.....for runners

When you are not are thinking about running

Throwing up after a hard run is a badge of honor

You get tired if you don't run

You nodded your head with a smile as you read this list!

Thank you to my good friend Jennifer Treacy for sending this to me!

Stay active and anything is possible!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My Oxfamtrailwalker experience

24 hours and 36 minutes. That is how long my teammates and I walked 100KM, (no sleep!) on the Ganaraska Trail starting from Barrie and ending in Orillia. During that time, we experienced various emotions and physical challenges. The terrain went from flat to hilly, sandy trails to paved roads, farm lands to paths that were overgrown with trees, shrubs, and grass or filled with rocks, tree stumps, and roots.
The weather was hot, humid, and sometimes muggy. On occasions, we were blessed with a breeze and some overcast clouds. But the sweat still poured out of my body while the mosquitos clung to me feasting on "fresh" blood.
As time wore on, my body slowly began to feel the effects of the walk. First, my heels, then my toes and then the pain slowly started to work it's way up to my calves and then my knees. My shoulders ached from carrying my bag pack filled with some of my "comfort foods" and a few extra bottles of VitaminWater. I could have sworn I packed light! But by the 40km, my back pack felt like I filled it with a load of bricks.
Along the trail we had 9 checkpoints where we could refuel, recharge, and regain our mental state of mind. But each checkpoint began to feel further and further apart and it took more mental strength to keep my legs moving. I was afraid to stop for fear my muscles would seize and my legs would not be able to continue. This is when my "mental" strength kicked in. Although my body was saying, no, I mean SCREAMING STOP! My mind kept saying KEEP GOING!
Another amazing experience was watching how the group dynamics changed throughout the walk. In the beginning, everyone was all smiles, full of energy and enthusiasm. We had designated a team leader, a pace leader and motivators. But after long hours of walking, the smiles turned to frowns, the level of energy decreased and our roles changed from person to person.
Our team strategy also changed throughout the walk from aiming to finish in 23 hours, to finishing in 24 hours to just finishing in one piece! This was the most challenging aspect of the walk for me. I am very competitive and push myself hard. My own personal goal was to finish in under 23 hours and I was very excited that our pace in the first half of the walk was on target! But every individual's body is different and how it handles physical stress varies. The longer we walked, the more physical challenges we faced. Blisters, muscles spasms, muscles seizures, body temperature's dropping, and physcial and muscle fatigue setting in.
But no matter what condition our bodies were in, we were a team and our goal was to walk together as a team.
I am very proud to have shared this experience with Chadash Sangur, Dhariya Panda, Thomas Fischer and our support team Stefanie, Bernice and Walid. It was truly a test of physical and mental strength, but more importantly, how to work together as a team when the going gets tough!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hiking for a cause!

On Friday, July 22, I will hike 100km in under 48 hours on the Ganaraska Trail for Oxfam!

My 3 team mates and I raised $2500 to tackle the root causes of poverty, inequity and help people to create self reliant and sustainable communities in developing countries. We are all very excited to be a part of this event and even more excited to impact the lives of those less fortunate around the world.

What does one bring on such an endeavour? Below is our prep list. You never know when it may come in handy for you!

Extra shirts (1 or 2)
Socks (10 pairs)
Shorts or long pants

Camel Back (bladder)
Sports bag
Head lamp
Blanket (I'm bringing the foil blankets that I've saved from previous marathons! They work amazingly well to keep the body warm)

Tylenol (or any aspirin that works for that individual)
Mosquito repellent
Muscle cream (bengay, etc)
Band aids
Vaseline, body glide
Vitamins (B12!)

Energy drinks (not for me, but they work for some people)
Cheese (string cheese are great for a quick snack and so easy!)
Yogurt or priobotic drinks
Trail mix
Dates (Dhairyia has a famous recipe!)
Electrolytes (Powerade works best for me as does Vitamin Water)

Each individual will have their items placed in a "bag" which will be carried to each check point (of which their are 9) by our lovely support team. This will enable us to carry water and light snacks only to stay light on our feet as we walk the Ganaraska Trail!

Stay tuned for the outcome of this physically and mentally challenging event!

Stay active and anything is possible!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Why should we drink more water?

We are always told we should drink more water especially during the summer months. But why?
Here are some reasons that you may not have been aware of.
1. Water helps transport nutrients and oxygen to our body's cells and carries waste and toxins away
2. Water acts as a lubricant for our joints! It's helps reduce stiffness and enables us to move more easily.
3. Water helps regulate our body's temperature and keeps us cool in hot weather through persipration
4. Water stimulates our brains! Our body is 60% water and our brain needs water to function properly. So if you find yourself unable to focus or experiencing headaches, reach for a glass of water instead of caffeine!
Stay active and anything is possible!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Motivation or is it self discipline?

As a personal trainer, one of my goals is to motivate my clients to maintain their exercise program, eat healthy, and get enough sleep! But what I actually do is "inspire" my clients. It's up to each individual to "motivate" themselves and it takes "self discpline" to live a healthy lifestyle. This means making healthier choices when eating and chosing to be active instead of sedentary. This takes self discpline and it's not always easy! But as I've always believed, health is worth working hard for. We have only one life to live and let's enjoy it to the max!

Friday, July 15, 2011


Every morning when I have to wake up early to train clients, my brain is still asleep, my eyes are half closed, and my body goes into automatic drive. But as soon as I see my client, a smile crosses my face and I remember how much I love helping people reach their health and fitness goals.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

10 Reasons to train with Donna Foster-Larocque

10 Reasons to train with Donna Foster-Larocque:

  1. Motivation: I will coach, educate, motivate and encourage you.
  2. Consistency: I will schedule regular appointments to help eliminate any excuses you may come up with for not exercising.
  3. Safety: I will show you how to exercise safely (including which exercises to avoid) and instruct you on the proper form and technique of performing various exercises in addition to the safe use of exercise equipment.
  4. Individualized instruction: I will develop the most effective program for you based on your current fitness and personal goals as well as your Lifestyle.
  5. Effective workouts: I will help maximize your time by providing workouts designed to meet your goals both realistically and efficiently.
  6. Supervision: I will give you personal attention by observing, assisting and if necessary, correcting you.
  7. Sports specific training: Whether you want to shave a few minutes off your race time or beat your father-in-law at tennis, I can tailor your program to your sport.
  8. Injury prevention: I will recommend exercises that emphasize overall muscular balance to prevent future injuries.
  9. Ego Boost: It’s a fact. Feeling good makes you look good and vice versa. Not only can I help you achieve your health and fitness goals, I will provide you with positive feedback on your performance and boost your confidence to take on new challenges.
  10. I practice what I preach. I walk the walk, and talk the talk. I will not put you through an exercise program that I have not performed myself.

Don’t waste another minute! Get started today!

Contact me:

Stay active and anything is possible!

Welcome to Positively Active!

I’m very excited to share my passion for health, fitness and fun adventures! My blog will include helpful health related tips, athletic events that I will be involved in and travel information regarding places that I am traveling to or have already been. You’ll quickly discover that I’m not your average traveler or fitness junkie and I’m always interested to hear about other people’s adventures and events! Which leads me to my first blog entry.

I’d like to find out more about you! I’m always looking for new adventures so I’d love to hear what has been the most challenging fitness related event you’ve ever experienced. Why was it so challenging and how did it change your life? I know, lot’s of questions! But don’t feel you have to go into full detail.

As for me, two events stand out in my mind. One, a Half Ironman event in Rhode Island. Two, a 54mile walk through the Caledonian region in Glasgow, Scotland! More details to follow.

Looking forward to hearing some great stories from you!

Stay active and anything is possible!
