Running and Powerwalking!

Running and Powerwalking!
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Monday, August 29, 2011

Ignite the Energy Within!

Every time I sit down to write a blog, my mind wanders as I try to pick a topic to discuss. Then something out of the blue comes my way and voila, a topic hits me!

As I was going through my daily emails, I opened my "Thought for the Week" email sent from Tim Cork, President and Founder of an amazing networking group I was honoured to be a part of called "Straight A's Inc." I instantly knew this was a topic for me to post! In fact, it practically screamed my name! It was all about energy, POSITIVE ENERGY! So I am sharing this "thought for the week" with you. Enjoy, Ignite and Share!

Energy is seen in the way you carry yourself. Do you exude energy and transfer it to those around you? Or do you suck it out of people? Nobody likes to be in a room full of energy vampires. The amount of energy you give, whether positive or negative, determines how you are perceived and how you are treated

Positive body language

Your body language demonstrates energy all day long. This energy is like a chain reaction. Two positive energies build on each other to create more and more positive energy. It’s like being with Oprah when she gets everyone pumped up during the taping of one her shows. The expression on her face, her stance, her posture exude confidence and enthusiasm channeling energy to each audience member. The energy level keeps building and building as people become more excited, positive, and energized. It’s the law of attraction: energy attracts energy and builds on energy.

Words and positive energy

Talking positively reinforces positive energy. The effects are immediate. You can actually see people light up when they listen to someone whose words are fueled by positive energy. People have to believe in that energy and in the person who is leading or speaking. When they do, watch out! Words that inspire create energy. Words accompanied by the right body language can create a genuine and contagious energy.

Are you contagious … is your energy level on full … if not, plug it in …

Thanks Tim Cork!

Stay active and anything is possible!

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