Running and Powerwalking!

Running and Powerwalking!
Get fit with me!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Take one step at a time

It is hard to believe that I am already on week 3 of my IM training (more details to come!). As part of my training, I read and watch videos each week to help educate, inspire and motivate me to train smarter, prevent injury and have fun! Today, I came across this article on and thought this would be a good one to share as we enter into the holiday season.

The holiday season can be a very challenging time to maintain fitness goals and regular workout routines.  We attend more social events that provide an array of delicious foods and drinks that we may not normally have or even think about having. We also tend to feel more festive (or more stressed!) and therefore we tend to let ourselves indulge. As a result, we may find our pants, skirts, or dresses becoming a wee bit too tight.   If this does happen, it is important to not give up on your fitness goals! I hope this story will help give you a little boost to stay on track.

Happy Holidays and Happy Training!

How Do You Take Things One Step at a Time?
To put your pants on you need to take it one leg at a time. If you try putting both legs in at the same time, you are likely to fall over. (Although, I have never tried this so my myth could be busted... Myth Busters maybe? LOL!) To discourage the fall you lift one leg at a time putting it securely into the pant leg before you try putting the other leg in.

If you tried putting your pants on by putting both legs in at one time and you fell down, would you get back up? Or would you just go about your day saying forget it... I am going pantless? You would probably get back up, dust yourself off, and put your pants on again, this time putting one leg in at a time.

This is a lot like our journey. If you try to do too many steps at one time you may fall down. It could also result in knocking you down a few steps. But do you give up? Or do you say forget it, I am staying on this step and I am not moving?

Dust yourself off and keep on moving up those steps. This journey is not easy. But as long as you take it one step at a time you will reach your goal. And if that means falling down a step or two... as long as you get back up and continue on, you are already one step ahead! Because you didn't give up!

So never give up on your journey... never give up on your goals... never give up on you! Because you are worth it! Just keep on taking it one step at a time! 

Thursday, December 4, 2014


I've decided to hold off on writing my training schedule every day. Instead I am going to post my workouts weekly. That will help keep the posts more interesting and not redundant!

Until next week, Stay active and anything is possible! 

Monday, December 1, 2014

Training Reboot

It's been awhile since I posted an update on my IRONMAN training. As it turns out, I was way ahead of the game! I started my training a bit too early. So I took the rest of October and all of November to focus on my flexibility and balance and fine tuned my meditation abilities. I also registered for a 30 day yoga challenge that ends Dec 10th. But today my first program for the IM began! Here's a review of Day One! 


5:00AM: 15 minutes of meditation

9:00AM: Read  for 1 hour regarding form and technique for the bike and training strategies 

1:00PM: One on One Cross Fit training session for 30 minutes. For this IM event, I decided to incorporate Cross Fit into my training so I researched CrossFit studios and discovered CrossFit Ville-Marie. As part of their policy, you have to register for 4 private 30 minute sessions before you can take the other classes. I can not stress enough how important it is to have the right form and technique when training and although I am a personal trainer, I still need advise and feedback on my own form and technique to ensure I am doing the exercise correctly.  

3:00PM: 45 minute interval training on my bike trainer. It's amazing what you can find on YouTube! I came across a video of a group of cyclist riding through their city. The scenery was beautiful! Next video will be a bike ride in Mallorca! 

4:30PM: 1 hour Core/Flexibility yoga. 
               My intention for this class was to focus on my breath and to be present. During the
               meditation, I visualized myself biking the course! 

That completes Day One. 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

25 things early morning work out people say to themselves to get in their workout.

I came across this article on and loved it! I often have arguments with myself when I set my alarm to get up early to train. But I felt relieved and a sense of camaraderie when I read this article. So the next time my alarm goes off before the sun rises, I won't feel alone anymore! Enjoy. 

Waking up at the crack of dawn to run, spin, or squeeze in some yoga is never easy. The ones who do it anyway? They’re not genetic mutants—they’re master arguers. Here’s a peek at the tug-of-war that goes on in every brain when the alarm blares.

In a dark, quiet bedroom an iPhone alarm disturbs the peace. Groggy exerciser fumbles for phone and squints in disbelief at the time.

1. Seriously? I swear I just went to bed.
2. Five more minutes. Okay, 10. I’ll get dressed fast…

Hits snooze. Cue snoring. Jump 10 minutes into the future.

3. Shut UP, Chimes! I have GOT to change my alarm sound. 

Hits snooze for a second time. Turns over.

4. Maybe I can skip today. I went yesterday.
5. You’ll regret it. Just get up.
6. But I went yesterday…
7. Yeah, you should sleep. Sleep makes you skinny.
8. But you’ll feel like crap later.

Defiantly snuggles deeper under the covers.

9. When did my bed get so comfortable?  
10. When else are you going to do it?
11. Ugh, fine. I’ll go. There’s no falling back to sleep now anyway.

Cue alarm
12. Damn it, Chimes! I said I’m getting up.

Finally gets out of bed.

13. The SUN isn’t even out yet.
14. Coffee… must get coffee…

Fumbles through drawers.

15. Does this match? Whatever, at least I’m going.
16. Thank GOD for caffeine.

Still half-drunk on melatonin, workout begins.

17. This sucks. Why am I doing this?
18. Okay, just go slow. Better than nothing!

Halfway through the workout

19. Ah, yes, finally: Endorphins!
20. This song rocks—totally going to Spotify it.

Workout ends

21. I’m awesome!
22. Life is great!
23. I love everyone!
24. So glad I didn’t stay in bed!
25. Woah … did I wear that?

Sunday, October 5, 2014

What motivates you to train? Journal continued!

DAY 4:

What a beautiful day for a run!  It was sunny, clear skies and the air was filled with the wonderful smells of Autumn.  I got in a great 3 mile run and an hour powerwalk right afterwards with a client.

Which leads me to share with you my biggest challenge training for the IM.  Not only am I doing my own training, I also have clients that I physically train with. i.e. powerwalk, run and strength train.  So I try and incorporate my own training program with theirs. Therefore today, I ran 3 miles (at a relatively a fast past) to my clients house and then we powerwalked for 3 miles right after.

My legs were quite sore after the run and the powerwalk so as part of my recovery, I take a 15-20 minute epsom salt bath as soon as I returned home. Afterwards, I made a huge vegetable stir fry with black rice, broccoli, tomatoes, onions, celery, spinach, garlic, and loads of spices!

As for my 21 day cleanse, so far so good! I have managed no caffeine, dairy, meat, sugar or alcohol. I have no side effects and I'm starting to feel real good overall. More energy and less bloatedness,

DAY 5:

Today was tough. I had no desire to train but I pushed myself to run 3 miles at an easy pace. Quite often, the first 10 minutes of training are the toughest. But afterwards, I am good to go! Today was no different. I started off with an easy pace and once my heavy legs loosened up, I picked up my pace and continued. I felt great afterwards and as always, I was so happy that I got in my training.

For my recovery, I ate a tablespoon of almond butter, jumped in a cool shower for 10 minutes and then had leftovers from my vegetable stir fry to tie me over until dinner.

For dinner, I cooked a huge pan of vegetables (eggplant, celery, onions, garlic, carrots, white beans, and diced tomatoes) with a variety of spices. (cumin, cayenne pepper and crushed red peppers) I have to admit, this dish got rid of any congestion I may have had!

I found the cleanse challenging today because on Friday nights, I always enjoy  a few glasses of fine red wine. Tonight, I had non - alcoholic beer. The bad news? The beer tasted awful and it was not natural! I did not read the label closely and when I did, I found it was full of coloring and other processed ingredients. The good news? I still refrained from having red wine!

DAY 6:

Weekends can be very hard to be discipline and train.  Family obligations come up, chores have to be done and who doesn't have social events to attend on the weekends? And sometimes, weekends are great to do absolutely nothing! So, how does one motivate himself/herself to train when there are so many other "better" alternatives?  For me, it was putting on my bike workout clothes and then doing my house chores while wearing my bike workout clothes. I discovered early on in my training days that there is something about wearing my workout clothes that motivate me to workout. But today, I discovered something new. I found that I was actually doing my chores faster! I was making it a part of my workout! I will definitely have to try this little experiment again. If I can make doing chores more fun and get them out of the way faster, I will have more time for the other alternative options to my weekends!

PS. Due to the rainy weather, I completed my scheduled 30 minute bike ride on my trainer at home.

DAY 7:

Today is my day off! Yahooooo! But will still make sure that I get in my 10,000 steps! That is a must, no matter what.

Scenic views on my run!

Stay active and anything is possible!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

IRONMAN Lake Placid 2015

As you know, I have registered for the IRONMAN Lake Placid on July 26, 2015.

I am extremely excited! After completing my first IRONMAN in Mt. Tremblant last year, I took a year off to reflect on my accomplishment and REST!  Training is very intense and it consumes an enormous amount of time and it takes true commitment and discipline. So I took all of last year to participate in shorter events, travel, focus on developing my Personal Training and Coaching business and enjoy spending more time with my family and friends. Now I am re-energized and ready to tackle a second IRONMAN!

You may also remember that I decided to use my passion and enthusiasm for sports and registered with the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation to train with and to help *raise a minimum of $5000 for their research in honor of my father.

I recently made another decision. I am going to keep a journal of my training! When I trained for Mt. Tremblant, I was often asked by friends, family and clients what it was like to train, what type of training was involved for an IRONMAN, what did I eat, how did my body respond to the intensity of training, etc. So I thought it would be fun and helpful for myself to share my experiences. You never know, YOU might be inspired to do an IRONMAN yourself!

Day one of my training actually started on Monday, September 29, just after returning from a wonderful mini vacation in Marrakesh.  As I mentioned before, I had a great summer filled with traveling and having fun. Now it is time to put my mental and physical energy into developing a good baseline before the actual training begins. So, here is a recap of the last few days of my training:

DAY ONE: Monday, Sept. 29

I started a 21 day cleanse that entails no caffeine, alcohol, sugar, dairy or fish. I listed fish only because I don't eat beef, pork, chicken or turkey.

For training, I used my bike trainer at home and biked for 45 minutes.  This was a nice steady bike ride with minimal intensity and no intervals. Just an easy pace to start preparing the legs for longer training rides. I have to admit, my bum was quite sore afterwards. It will take a few more weeks before my bum is accustomed to my bike seat again!

DAY TWO: Tuesday, Sept. 30

I have several powerwalking/run clients on Tuesdays so I incorporated my training in with my clients sessions and did hills and interval training.

My cleanse is going well so far. My only challenge is coffee! I miss my morning cappuccino with almond milk!

DAY THREE: Wednesday, Oct. 1

Today I did a 50 minute intense strength training program that included Kettlebells and plyometrics. I definitely will need some more work on my plyometrics! I was exhausted after my first of two sets! But I pushed through it and felt fantastic afterwards.

As for the cleanse, I was certainly put to the test today. We were celebrating a friend's birthday at an amazing restaurant, Liverpool House. I did my best to stick with my program and did not have any wine, dessert or coffee. However, I did have fish since they had a very limited menu with vegetarian options. Even their soups had dairy and bacon in them!

DAY FOUR: Stay tuned!


If you would like to help me reach my goal of raising $5000 to go towards the MMRF, I would be so grateful! Just click on the link below and look for my name under participant. Every little bit helps!
Thank you in advance.

Stay active and anything is possible! 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Making a difference through my passion for health and fitness!

Dear Friends,

On July 25, 2015 I will be participating in Lake Placid 's IRONMAN as part of the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation (MMRF) Team For Cures. 

The work ahead of me? Swim 2.4 miles, (3.8km) bike 112 miles (180km) , and run 26.2 miles (41.2km) and raise at least $5,000 for the MMRF. Training for this event is a big challenge, but nothing compared to the challenges faced by patients with multiple myeloma.

Why did I choose to participate with MMRF?

In 1999, my father passed away from Hodgkin's Lymphoma, a type of cancer originating from the white blood cells. The day he passed away, I was registered for my second sprint triathlon to raise funds for cancer. I completed the race and took the first flight out to be with my family. I will never forget that day and the feeling I had as I crossed the finish line in his honor. Now I have the chance to help other individuals who have the second most common form of blood cancer, Multiple Myeloma. Sadly, it has one of the lowest five-year relative survival rates of all cancers. But while there is no cure, great progress is being made.

The Goal: Raise $5,000 for the MMRF!

The MMRF is one of the most highly regarded cancer foundations in the world. An outstanding 90% of the total MMRF budget goes directly towards research and related programming. The MMRF is also in the top 1% of all charities, having earned Charity Navigator’s 4-star rating for the past eleven years in a row.

Please support my participation in the 2015 IRONMAN Lake Placid benefiting the MMRF. I have made a commitment to raise at least $5,000 and I need your help to get there. Please contribute whatever you can through my Personal Page

Any amount is greatly appreciated!

Thank you for taking the time to read my story. I love you Dad!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

10 Simple Strategies to Forever Change Your Relationship with Food: Without Changing Anything You Eat!

As a health enthusiast, I am passionate about sharing healthy nutrition and fitness tips that will help inspire, motivate, educate and increase an individual's curiosity. I came across this article on I could not agree more with every recommendation Marc David provides. I hope it will help you see food in a new healthy way!


Take 5-10 long slow deep breaths before each meal and your life will change. Oxygen is a literal nutritional enhancer. It’s the key nutrient for our most powerful metabolism. Oxygen is everything. When we breathe fully, we affirm that we’re here, and we’re committed to our greatest vitality…


The more we relax, the better we digest, assimilate and calorie burn. The physiologic relaxation state is the body’s preeminent nutritional state. It’s time to relax more with your meals, and your life. Trust more. Play more. See if you can commit to inner peace, and to finding the still place inside yourself…

Slow Down

Slow is the speed that best regulates our natural appetite, and moves the body into parasympathetic dominance – the ideal state  of metabolic supremacy. Take more time with meals. It’s time to let go of the rush. Value the eating experience. Slow down with food, your loved ones, and your life…

Feel Nourished

Let food warm you, love you, feed you, and nourish you. Allow each meal to touch a place of satisfaction inside you that’s timeless and carefree. Feeling nourished is a most beautiful gift to self…

Be Present

Whenever you eat, simply be aware of your meal. Give food the presence it deserves. Attend to your body. Don’t wander. Capture every eating moment. Forget about multitasking. When you eat, eat…

Be Pleasured

Pleasure is a nutritional requirement, a potent metabolic force, and an agent of health. Pleasure catalyzes metabolic efficiency. It makes life worth living. Welcome pleasure to the table, always…


Food is life. It wants to remind you that you’re here to live, to enjoy, and to celebrate. Allow your meals to be a time when you can smile, share with loved ones, and affirm your beautiful life…


The body is asking us to listen. It speaks to us. It offers generous insights about how and what we eat. Listen to your body. It speaks in a hidden language, and has some wonderful messages to share…

Let Go

Now that you’ve eaten, let go. Give all the worrying a rest. Let go of unkind thoughts about your weight, your body, and your meal. Food asks us to fully embrace it, and fully let go. Are you willing?

Be Thankful

The greater intelligence that created us has gifted us with food. Be thankful. Allow gratitude to be an essential ingredient in every morsel of food you eat. Life has given us so much. It’s time to be grateful.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Now that the summer is here, it’s hard to think of training inside. Well guess what?  You don’t have to! There are many ways you can workout without having to train inside.  Here are some examples of how you can train outdoors and get in a workout while having fun.

Kayaking: Targets the core and upper body (shoulders, back, biceps)
Biking:  Targets the legs (quadriceps, hamstrings, calves) and core
Golfing: Targets the upper body (shoulders, biceps, back) and core (including the Obliques) It also  works the
            legs from all the walking
Swimming: This is a low impact exercise that works the whole body
Tennis: Targets the upper body, (shoulders, back, arms) core, (including the obliques) and legs (quadriceps, 
            hamstrings, calves, inner and outer thighs),
Hiking: Targets legs, (quadriceps, hamstrings, calves), back, core and arms if you use hiking poles
Rollerblading: Targets legs (quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, inner and outer thighs), and core
Gardening (Including mowing the lawn): Targets the entire body
Water skiing: Targets the entire body as well as balance!
Powerwalking: Targets the entire body and is very low impact 

Many people are surprised that powerwalking can be considered a form of training.  But it is! Powerwalking burns fat, rids you of stress, improves our self esteem and can help improve your fitness level. It is also a low impact form of exercise. If you suffer from sports injuries or find high impact exercising difficult, powerwalking is the perfect alternative because it reduces stress absorbed by your body. It can actually be more beneficial to your body than running! 

So now that you have some ideas as to how you can exercise outdoors, get out there and train. The world is an open gym. 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

3 Tips on how to start running

I came across this article after a week of having several of my clients ask me if they can run.  My answer? Yes! Here are 3 tips from another runner who shares how she started to incorporate running into her every day routine.

I can’t stress enough how beneficial it is mentally, physically and spiritually. All-around fitness is my personal preference, and I’m not a hard-core runner, but I do believe that some amount of running can be beneficial and life changing for everyone. With time and experience you'll ease into it and see what works best for you. Although there's no magic formula for learning how to run, there are three important things to keep in mind when starting out.
1. Drop the limiting belief that you can’t run.
In my opinion, this is the most important thing anyone can do before starting to run. If you're someone who subscribes to the “I can’t run!” theory, you’ve got to know and believe right now that it’s not true. I hear this all the time, and as someone who used to be president of the “I can’t run" club, I can justifiably give you a little tough love here. Yes, you can run, and saying you can't is an excuse (unless you have a medical condition, of course). You’ve got to drop the limiting belief or you'll be right: you can’t do it. Remember, your beliefs create your reality.
2. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
When I started increasing my mileage, it was anything but easy. I had to experience some pain and discomfort to get there. "No pain, no gain" was my mantra when I was building my level of fitness. It’s important to know that people you see running long distances didn’t just get there overnight, as you may believe. They pushed through tough workouts to be able to do what they do today. If you stop right when it starts to feel tough and uncomfortable, you'll never get better. I always think about it metaphorically: in life there's always some kind of pain experienced during growth. If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.
3. Run even when you're not in the mood.
I know this one all too well. The hardest part of the run can be putting on your sneakers and getting out the door. It's amazing how sometimes running is the last thing you want to do, but once you get out there, you enjoy it and completely forget about how much you didn’t want to.
Running is one of those rare things that has the ability to change a bad mood to a good one just by doing it. It only takes a few minutes to switch from the “I don’t want to” to the “I’m so glad I did it” mindset. Fight the inner lazy battle and get out there!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wear nice shoes and count your blessings!

I saw this post on Facebook and wanted to share. This type of post help remind me of what is truly important in life. I hope one of these statements will inspire, motivate or make you think about what is truly important to you in your life right now. At this very moment. 

1. Your shoes are the first thing people subconsciously notice about you. Wear nice shoes.
2. If you sit for more than 11 hours a day, there's a 50% chance you'll die within the next 3 years
3. There are at least 6 people in the world who look exactly like you. There's a 9% chance that you'll meet one of them in your lifetime.
4. Sleeping without a pillow reduces back pain and keeps your spine stronger.
5. A person’s height is determined by their father, and their weight is determined by their mother.
6. If a part of your body "falls asleep",
you can almost always "wake it up" by shaking your head.
7. There are three things the human brain cannot resist noticing -food, attractive people and danger
8. Right-handed people tend to chew food on their right side
9. Putting dry tea bags in gym bags or smelly shoes will absorb the unpleasant odor.
10. According to Albert Einstein, if honey bees were to disappear from earth, humans would be dead within 4 years.
11. There are so many kinds of apples, that if you ate a new one everyday, it would take over 20 years to try them all.
12. You can survive without eating for weeks, but you will only live 11 days without sleeping.
13. People who laugh a lot are healthier than those who don’t.
14. Laziness and inactivity kills just as many people as smoking.
15. A human brain has a capacity to store 5 times as much information as Wikipedia
16. Our brain uses the same amount of power as a 10-watt light bulb!!
17. Our body gives enough heat in 30 mins to boil 1.5 liters of water!!
18. The Ovum egg is the largest cell and the sperm is the smallest cell !!
19. Stomach acid (conc. HCl) is strong enough to dissolve razor blades!!
20. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day & while you walk, SMILE. It is the ultimate antidepressant.
21. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.
22. When you wake up in the morning, pray to ask God's guidance for your purpose, today.
23. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.
24. Drink green tea and plenty of water. Eat blueberries, broccoli, and almonds.
25. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
26. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of the past, negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
27. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a college kid with a maxed out charge card.
28. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
29. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Forgive them for everything!
30. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
31. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
32. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.
33. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
34. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
35. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: 'In five years, will this matter?'
36. Help the needy, Be generous! Be a 'Giver' not a 'Taker'
37. What other people think of you is none of your business.
38. Time heals everything.
39. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
40. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.
41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
42. Each night before you go to bed, pray to God and be thankful for what you'll accomplish, today !
43. Remember that you are too blessed to be stressed.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Are you competitive?

Athletes are often viewed as competitive. They want to be the best in their sport and win! But guess what? Athletes are not the only ones that can be or are competitive. Anyone can be competitive and not just in sports.

There are two kinds of competitiveness. Healthy and unhealthy.

Healthy competition can help push ourselves to get out of our comfort zone and motivate us to be the best that we can be. It can also encourage us to cheer for other competitors, friends, family or colleagues to reach their goals because we enjoy and want to see others succeed as well.

Unhealthy competition can be toxic and hurtful. Not just toward the other person but to ourselves.   For example, an unhealthy competitive person may feel defeated and discouraged when they see other people achieving their goals. So they just give up. But rather than give  up, try and learn from that person. What did they do differently? What were some of their own personal experiences that helped them accomplish their goal?

Another example, and unfortunately the most popular form of unhealthy competition is comparing yourself to others. This often happens through social media, i.e. Facebook.  You scroll through the news feed and you see everyone's '"amazing, happy, and fun," status updates and suddenly you feel your life is boring and unexciting.  But what we fail to remember is that everyone has bad days and very rarely will someone post if something bad is going on in their life! So stop comparing your life to those who share on FB. Be yourself, love who you are and just enjoy reading the posts as if you are reading an entertaining book.

Being resentful of others success is also very toxic. Just because we are not reaching our own goals does not mean that others have to be in the same boat. It can be challenging to accept other people's success when we are struggling.  But remember, everyone has their good and bad days and they may have faced the same or even harder challenges than you. So next time someone you know has an accomplishment, sincerely congratulate them! You may be surprised how much better you feel and it may even give you encouragement to stay focused on your own goals.

Last but not least, are you someone who secretly wishes for others to fail? This might sound strange to some people, but it's more normal than we think. Sometimes we feel so bad about ourselves that we want others to fail so that we don't feel or look like failures.  But this train of thinking has no benefits whatsoever. I can only recommend that you take a deep look at yourself and find out what your unique qualities are and embrace them.  We can not be good at everything and sometimes not reaching our goals pushes us to focus on another goal that is even better. So don't waste time or energy on wishing others to fail, instead, congratulate them on their successes and use their success as motivation.

So, what type of competitive person are you? I am and chose to be a healthy competitive person. I am always pushing myself out of my comfort zone by trying new sports or participating in a variety of events.  I also continuously strive to be better and not just in sports, but in my professional career and personal life as well. However, I'm not perfect and sometimes I find my competitive edge slowly becoming toxic. When this happens, I stop and remind myself that I have my own skills and talents and that the only person I should be comparing or competing against, is myself.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

How to get out of the "Hater" zone

I came across this article on one of my favorite health and fitness websites, It could not have come at a better time! I find that myself, my friends, family and clients often fall into the trap of letting what other people think about us prevent us from being our true self. We also often take negative comments personally and end up not doing what we truly want to do or express ourselves authentically.  This article provides 10 suggestions in the form of mantras to help us " find our happy" and be ourselves. 

Power Mantras: by Shannon Kaiser: 

Maybe you can relate: you’re cruising along in life doing the best you can, working on making things happen. And BAM, you’re stung by a negative comment, a judgmental friend or a rude stranger. Welcome to the hater zone!
Haters seem to spring up when we try to do a great job. A critic of your parenting skills, your relationship status (or lack thereof), how you dress, where you live or your weight. At the end of all the haters’ catcalls is an invitation to low self-esteem and self-loathing-ville.
Haters can affect us in two ways. They may creep out and attack us for things we're doing or sharing. Or the idea of them can prevent us from moving forward and expressing our true selves. Both are detrimental to our spirit.
Many of my life coaching clients express their fear of moving forward because of what haters might say or do. If they publish the book, or leave the job in corporate, what will those around them think?
Ask yourself if you're actually allowing what people could say to stop you from following your own heart. Recognize that haters can’t get to us when we feel confident and self-assured. The best way to avoid feeling victimized by the string of negativity is to improve your relationship with yourself.
Here are powerful reminders from my book, Find your happy, that can help you gain confidence and feel secure.
10 Mantras To Build Self-Confidence
1. Confidence comes through action.
2. The only approval you need is your own.
3. The fastest way to improve self-confidence is to do the exact thing you fear.
4. Accept everything you are — and aren’t. That is true happiness.
5. At the end of the day, what matters most is how you see yourself.
6. What others say is a reflection of them, not you.
7. You are good enough.
8. It isn't who you are that holds you back; it's who you think you aren't.
9. No one can make you feel unworthy without your permission.
10. There is only one you for all time. Fearlessly be your true self. You matter.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

30 day guns, buns, and ab challenge!

My last two blogs have been mostly about nutrition. Today I am writing about fitness!

Below is a 30 day challenge that I did with a client of mine in the month of January. Our motivation to exercise was low and we wanted a short program to help motivate us. We also wanted a program that we could do at home in case we could not make it to the gym due to the weather.  I came across this challenge on a fitness blog and were both certainly challenged and felt great at the end. Why? Because we completed the challenge and kept each other accountable by texting the word "done!" after we finished the required exercises for that day.  By texting each other, we were more motivated and it helped keep us on track. The result? Our overall body strength improved and our abs looked great!

I challenge you to give it a try and if you really want a challenge, do the all the exercises each day in one go. Don't split them up.

Stay active and anything is possible!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

What I know now that I wish I knew then

After my last post, I was asked what I know now about nutrition and fitness that I wish I knew when I was younger. I thought this was a great question considering every day we are learning something new about health. One day caffeine is good for you, the next day it's bad. Not to mention all the crazy fad diets that have come and gone and some that are still around.  i.e. the grapefruit diet, Atkins Diet, the South Beach Diet, and  the Paleo Diet. It's no wonder we get confused!  However, there are some facts that have remained true over the years. i.e. too much sugar can cause weight gain, eating more natural foods (especially greens!) is better for your body than processed foods, too much salt can lead to high blood pressure, strength training builds muscle and can lead to weight loss and regular physical activity can decrease the likelihood of heart disease and mental stress.  But  here are the top 3 things I know now that I wish I knew when I was in my teens and early 20's.

1. The amount of sugar that is in one can of soda!

I remember the days when I would drink anywhere from 2-5 cans of soda a day! Especially during my college years when I would cram for an exam, or write a 20 page paper, or after having a late night with my girlfriends. Sometimes I would even start my day off with a can of soda for breakfast! Then when we hit the phase where "diet" soda was the more popular choice, I switched from regular soda to drinking diet, low calorie or zero calorie soda.  But now that I know how much sugar is in one can of soda, how awful aspartame is for the body,  and how sugar wreaks havoc on our body and mind, I can't remember the last time I drank a can of soda.

One 12 ounce can of soda has about 6 teaspoons of sugar (or HFCS, high fructose corn syrup).  That means, if I was drinking 2-5 sodas a day, I was having 12-30 teaspoons of sugar a day as well! No wonder I gained the infamous freshman 15 (pounds that is) during my first year of college.

Another downside of sugar is that it is highly addictive. After having it, you experience pleasure and satisfaction due to the release of dopamine, the pleasure hormone, in the brain.  However, this experience is short lived and soon after, you experience an energy and mental crash.  But because the pleasure we experience is so great, we want more of it. These symptoms are similar to what cocaine and heroin abusers have. i.e. cravings, withdrawal and relapse.  That alone made me reduce my sugar intake straight away! Now I chose more natural sugars such as whole natural fruits, organic maple syrup, stevia, or dark chocolate that is 70% or  higher.  Not only do I feel better, my waist line "looks" better too!

2. Why NOT eating makes you GAIN weight rather than lose weight

You have a special event coming up and you want to look great. You bought a knock out dress that would be the envy of all of your girlfriends and that could draw the attention of all the eligible handsome men. So what do you do to make sure you fit in that dress? If you were like me, you would stop eating for a few days to hopefully drop those few extra pounds. This is the WORST thing  you can do to lose weight. But that is what I did, not once, but a few times during my teenage years.

By starving yourself a few days in a row, you are essentially causing your body to go into "starvation mode." When this happens, your body tends to store food as fat rather than use it for energy. Why? Your body does not know when it is going to receive fuel again so it stores food for later use just in case it doesn't receive fuel again for awhile.

Another side effect of starving myself was that I ended up binge eating because I was craving food! I would eat just about anything (which was usually high calorie processed foods) because I was so hungry. As a result, I would end up gaining weight instead of losing it. Then I would get angry with myself for having no will power or discipline and for gaining the weight I wanted to lose. This in turn led to another side effect. I would lash out at others because I hungry AND angry. Hence, I became a HANGRY person.

What did I learn from this lesson? That starving myself does not work and that I could have saved myself (and others) a lot of grieve, heart ache and extra weight gain had I planned my nutrition more wisely.

3. Why I felt bloated, fat and had severe cramps after eating particular foods (including ice cream!)

We've all experienced feeling full, bloated and fat. I used to think it was a sign that I ate too much and that I lacked the will power to stop eating when my stomach was clearly telling me it was full.  I had no idea back then that these feelings might have been caused because of something else, food intolerance. For example, I absolutely loved peanut butter. I loved it so much that I would grab a large spoon and scoop large quantities of peanut butter straight from the jar and eat it. No bread or jelly required! After a few bites, my stomach would go into spasms. I would feel bloated and often I would have cramps that were so severe, I could not even sit up straight. But it never stopped me from eating it entirely. I would deal with the pain until it subsided and then a few days later, I would eat it again as if that painful experience never occurred.  I even switched to organic peanut butter just in case it was the hydrogenated oils that was causing me pain. (hydrogenated oil is a whole other topic!) T

This went on for years until I started to have the same symptoms (and sometimes worse) with other foods. Finally, I went to see a Naturopathic Doctor who ran some tests and low and behold, we discovered that I was intolerant to peanuts.  It didn't take me long to learn what other foods I was intolerant to as well and I slowly began to change my diet.  The result? I stopped eating food my body could not handle and I discovered new foods that by body could digest well and that tasted delicious!

So there you have it. The top 3 health lessons that I know now that I wish I knew then that would have saved me a lot of physical and emotional stress!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A letter to myself at 13

Dear Donna

It is hard to believe you are turning 13! You have grown to be such a lovely woman not just on the outside, but on the inside as well.

As you enter into your teens, I’d like to share some things I have learned along the way. I could write a whole book of my life experiences (good and bad) and the lessons I learned. But I will choose those that coincide with where I am in my life right now.

1.     Love yourself: Stop comparing yourself to other people and start embracing your own uniqueness! There is no else like you and there will never be. So enjoy being YOU!

2.     Take 10 minutes every day to reflect on what you are grateful for: As we get older, we often allow our daily responsibilities to take over our lives and before we know it, we lose ourselves.  By taking 10 minutes to reflect on our blessings, we realize just how blessed we really are. This in turn helps to keep us balanced and connected to our true self. 

3.     Laugh often:  How great do you feel after you have a good hard laugh? It feels wonderful! Learning to laugh at yourself is also very important. Never take yourself too seriously because no one else will!

4.     Be forgiving of yourself and others: We are our worst critics! By allowing yourself to be human, (which means you won’t be perfect!), you will enjoy life’s experiences much more. If you are forgiving of others, you’ll find that your life will be much easier as well. It takes way too much energy to carry around a grudge or anger or frustration! Besides, the person you are angry with probably has no idea how you feel and most likely will never change!

5.     Don’t judge: We often think we know what’s best for others and how people should behave. Unless you walked in that person’s shoes, you will never know their true situation.

6.     Be fearless: Never be afraid to dream big! Never let other people’s negativity affect you.  You don’t want to miss a great opportunity to shine and show your true abilities.

7.     Never be afraid to fail: I learned that it is through my failures that I am able to achieve even more than I ever imagined I could!

8.     Always take the time to let someone know you love them or to say thank you.  We often hear people say “I’m so busy”. Does it really take that long to send a quick email or text to let someone know you care? No one lives forever so don’t miss an opportunity to say I love you or thank you!

9.      Walk every day for at least 20 minutes: Walking has so many health benefits. But what I love most about walking is that it gives me time to enjoy nature and clear my mind. There’s something about being outside in the fresh air that makes me feel calm, alive and connected to the universe.

    10.   Eat real food 90% of the time: Our bodies are amazing machines. It works hard to keep us alive and the more healthy you eat, the stronger your body will become, the more efficiently it will work and the better quality of life you will live! 

Never forget how wonderful you are Donna! 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

3 things we should be doing to enjoy life!

In today's society, it is so easy to become addicted to receiving constant, fast communication and stimulation. We find ourselves bound to our cell phones, iPads, and for some people, even head phones! If you look around you, most if not everyone you see is in their own world, with their heads down, texting, reading or playing a video game. If you're lucky, you might even find yourself sitting next to someone who's music you can hear through their headphones!

Today I'd like to tear you away from technology and recommend a few activities you can do to connect to your friends, family, community and even yourself.  Yes, this means putting down your cell phone or iPad or game toy for a few minutes or even crazier, longer!

1. Spend time with your friends or family IN PERSON.

How great is it to be physically close to a friend as they share a story about their most recent  date or their latest accomplishment? More importantly, how wonderful does it feel to be able to offer or receive support with a hug rather than words?  The human touch is so powerful and there is no technology in this world that can replace the impact of a warm embrace or touch, especially when it is needed the most. I know I'd rather cry on a friend's shoulder than on skype or facetime!

2. SIGN UP for a class instead of using Google.

How often have you googled a cooking recipe, or wanted to learn how to change a bike tire, or learn how to use your camera?  Why not register for a class and learn how to do it firsthand. You'll be able to ask questions and experiment under the guidance of an expert. You'll also be less likely to forget what you've learned and you'll be supporting your local community programs.

3. EXPLORE your neighborhood without using your GPS. 

Go for a nice walk with your dog, friend or on your own and discover what new places may have opened over the winter. Take some time to stop into shops you've passed by several times but never went in.  Or treat yourself to a tea or dessert at one of your local coffee shops that you've never tried before. The idea is to wander and explore your neighborhood without having a destination or agenda in mind. You might come across a hidden gem in your very own neighborhood.

Stay active and anything is possible!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Is Spot Reducing Possible?

Okay ladies, I know you are not going to like hearing this, but no, you can not spot reduce. In other words, you can not lose weight in specific areas.  This can be very disheartening for some women, but it doesn't have to be. Here's why.

By combining both aerobic exercise and strength training, you incorporate the use of more muscle groups. The more muscles you engage, the more calories you burn which can lead to weight and fat loss. You might be wondering why I said  CAN lead to weight loss instead of WILL.  A good exercise program has to coincide with eating healthy.  Exercising on a regular basis does not allow you to eat whatever you want without having some consequences. i.e. weight gain. However, the good news is that when you do combine a good exercise program with healthy eating, you CAN lose weight AND body fat.  It just may not be in the area(s) that you would like. But in the end, isn't the ultimate goal to live healthy so that you can have a higher quality of life?

Here's an example of a 10 minute workout routine that incorporates cardio and strength training without using any equipment! It also targets all of your muscle groups. Why not give it a try? The only thing you have to lose is calories!

Jumping jacks 1 minute
Push ups 30 seconds
Squats 1 minute
Tricep dips 30 seconds
Alternating forward lunges 1 minute
Plank 30 seconds
Plyo squats 1 minute
Side Plank 30 seconds
Alternating split plyo lunges 1 minute
Side Plank (opposite side) 30 seconds
Jumping jacks 1 minute
Push ups 30 seconds
Squats 1 minute

Stay active and anything is possible!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Keeping it Real

I thought I would share my weekend after reading the post going around FB regarding "Please don't Envy Me." Here's the link for the complete article.

This past weekend I chose to splurge. What does this mean for me? Here's a recap of my weekend. 

Friday: Powerwalked with 2 clients, studied, wrote 2 nutrition programs, responded to all of my nutrition clients, went grocery shopping with my husband, went for a micro brewed beer at a local pub and then had a vegetarian frozen pizza for dinner accompanied with red wine from Argentina while watching jeopardy we taped on tv. 

Saturday morning: Ran hills with a client and then we both went to yoga together. Ate a healthy breakfast and then headed to a baseball game with my husband and friends. Had 2 beers at the game and then went to an amazing fondue dinner with more friends. Enjoyed baguette and sesame seed bread with lactose free cheese and a variety of other cheeses as well! (FYI, I haven't had white bread or cheese for months!) Followed it up with seafood fondue of scallops, crab and shrimp, raw veggies and LOTS and LOTS of red wine! Fell asleep earlier than I planned to (I failed to pace myself) and woke up to winter all over again.  (Spring has not yet come to Montreal) 

Sunday: I didn't work out. I went to church, drank lots of water, had a good healthy breakfast but  later on the day, I couldn't resist my favourite blue corn chips ( a whole bag!) and tempernino red wine and skipped dinner all together.  

So what I am saying is, personal trainers have off days too and that is okay. We are real people that have unhealthy cravings. We splurge, eat foods and drink wines that are not always the best choice. Tomorrow is always a new day and I get right back on track with eating healthy and exercising. I had a great weekend with friends and my husband and I would not change that for the world. 

Tuesday:  Still keeping it real: 

Staying in line with the" Please don't envy me blog" this is me today at 12:20pm working on marketing Positively Active. I've been up since 4:15am to train clients, write programs and research more articles, theories, etc on health and fitness. Notice the nicely done hair, the mascara that is now down my face making my eyes look fabulous. Can't wait to take a picture after my workout. Lookout Oxygen magazine!

Stay active (and real) and anything is possible! 

Friday, March 21, 2014

What? Jump roping for 10 minutes is equal to 30 minutes of jogging?

Remember those days when you were a kid and you played a variety of activities for hours on end?  Maybe you played four square, hop scotch, dodge ball, tag, SPUD, ghost in the graveyard, hula hoop or even jump roped. Who knew how great all of those activities were for our health not to mention how happy our parents were that we were out of the house. The good news is, you can still do all of these activities. But you might have a few second looks if you hop scotch or play four square in the gym. So today I'm going to talk to you about jump roping and why you should incorporate this into your fitness program. 
  • It’s inexpensive. You may already have an old jump rope lying around but if you don't, jump ropes are not expensive. Sure you can buy a higher valued jump rope with bells and whistles if you want to. But whatever jump rope you buy, make sure it is the right size for you.  Or you can do what I do (sometimes that is). I pretend I have a jump rope and focus on my form and technique.
  • You can do it practically anywhere. Any hard surface works fine whether it is outside, inside, at the gym. So there's no excuse to not jump rope!
  • It burns a lot of calories in a short amount of time.  If you are looking for a way to burn off calories in a short period of time, then jump roping is for you!  *Studies have shown that 10 minutes of jumping rope (at 120 turns per minute) has the same benefit as jogging for 30 minutes.  This a great work out if you are short on time and want to get in a good cardio workout. 
  • It’s compact.  A jump rope hardly takes up any space and  can easliy be stored in a drawer, purse or back pack. This makes it a great workout equipment to bring with you on holidays or business travel. 
  • You’ll notice improvements.  *Jumping rope helps build agility, speed, balance, and coordination, while improving your overall fitness level.
  • You can do it alone, with a partner or a group.  Jumping rope is a form of exercise you can do on your own safely and without a spotter. It can also be done with a partner or in a group. i.e. family members, friends or colleagues.  It is a fun activity that almost anyone can do and it's a good way to incorporate fitness without too much thought or effort since you can do it anywhere. You can also use jumping roping as a team building event or a competition.  *How many jumps can you do in a minute? How many jumps can you do without stopping or messing up? What kind of variations of jumping rope can you do? 
  • With all of these amazing benefits and conveniences of jump roping, why not start today? But first things first. As with any sport or fitness activity, finding the right equipment for you is the most important component.  If you choose to buy a jump rope, the best way to know what is the right size for you is to stand in the center of the rope and hold the handles in your hand. You should be able to bring the handles up to your armpits. 
  • Second, technique and form! Believe it or not, jump roping is not as easy as it may sound or look when, especially if you've watched a boxer train. It is a skilled movement that requires mental concentration, coordination and timing. Here are some tips from
  • 1. Hold the handles with a firm grip, elbows CLOSE TO YOUR SIDES. 
  • 2. Make small circles with wrists while turning the rope. Try not to make large circles because this will incorporate more movement from the full arm rather than just the wrist. 
  • 3. Keep torso relaxed, head lifted and gaze ahead for balance. I find that if I look down at my feet as I jump rope, I lose my balance and trip on the rope. 
  • 4. Jump only high enough to clear the rope.
  • 5. During jumping, the rope should skim the surface lightly.
  • 6. Always land softly on the balls of your feet
  • 7. NEVER sacrifice good jumping form or technique for form. 
So now that you know how to find the right jump rope for you and learned the proper technique, get our there and be a kid again. Jump rope for fitness and fun. 

Stay active and anything is possible!

*Content came from and a study completed the Research Quarterly, a journal of the American Association for Health, Physical Education and Research