Running and Powerwalking!

Running and Powerwalking!
Get fit with me!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Movember Diet #7

Run for your Life!

Okay, you don’t have to run, but move, move, move! Make Movember the month you get out and exercise more, enhance your immune system, and lose those extra pounds. Research shows that exercise is great for what ails you…and for preventing things that could, including prostate disorders like BPH, prostatitis, and prostate cancer. That’s because exercise increases your immunity and overall wellness, while a healthy weight decreases inflammation that can cause or contribute to prostate disease. Research has shown that men who have prostate cancer have more than a twofold risk of dying of the disease if they are obese rather than normal weight. Exercise is a great stress reducer, and stress can be a huge factor in erectile dysfunction and other sexual performance issues. So make Movember your moving month, and once it’s over, keep on truckin’!

This tip is brought to you by The official site for Prostate Cancer.

Stay active and anything is possible!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Movember Diet Tip #6

I think tip # 6 comes at an appropriate time as we confront all the rain from the last couple of days!

Get a tan! (the natural way)

Every man looks better with a tan and here is one more reason to get outside in the sun: you can look great on the outside while getting 10,000 International Units (IUs) from just 20 minutes of sun (without sunscreen) to benefit your insides. Along with being essential for strong bones and healthy nerve function, vitamin D also has a role in prostate health. At least one study has found that low levels of vitamin D circulating in the bloodstream is associated with a greater risk of prostate cancer and an enlarged prostate. Calcitriol, the hormonally active form of vitamin D, has anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it a player in helping prevent prostatitis. But there’s more: calcitriol can also inhibit tumor growth, invasion, and spread. For times when the sun’s not shining or you’re stuck indoors, keep vitamin D supplements on hand. Because even if you can’t tan, you want your insides to be great too. And don’t forget to put on the sunscreen after your 20 minutes in the sun!

Stay active and anything is possible!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Movember Tip #5

We've all heard so much about Omega 3's and why we need them. But it never hurts to repeat what we already know. This time we might apply it or at least remember it when we are putting together a grocery list!

Men love to fish, and here is the best reason yet to toss in your line. Coldwater fish and seafood are a super source of omega-3 fatty acids, which in turn are especially important for prostate health. The two main omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and seafood, eicosapentaenic acid (EPA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA), may reduce your risk of getting prostate cancer. In fact, one University of California study found that men who ate fish rich in EPA/DHA at least once a week had a 63% reduced risk of developing prostate cancer. Omega-3s not only help prevent prostate cancer cell growth, they also have anti-inflammatory properties, which make them beneficial in fighting an inflamed prostate (prostatitis). If your diet has been coming up short on the recommended amount of omega-3s (the American Heart Association recommends getting 0.5 to 1.8 grams of EPA and DHA daily), now’s the time to cast your line for salmon, tuna, halibut, flounder, shrimp, and more. If you’re having a little trouble reeling in the fish, supplements can fill in the gaps.

Stay active and anything is possible!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Movemember Tip #4

I am one day late with Tip #4, but for a good reason. Yesterday was my birthday and what a lovely day I had. I received so many wonderful birthday wishes and it made me feel so special. I am so grateful and it went very well with today's holiday. Thanksgiving! Happy Thanksgiving to you and to your family.

Tip #4 from the official site for Prostate Cancer,

Bet you didn’t know that not only can you eat cancer killing foods, but that they taste great, too. In The Prostate Diet, there are a variety of foods and their components that have all been shown to be potential cancer killers. Did you know that a rich pasta sauce consisting of tomatoes, mushrooms, and cayenne contains three cancer killing foods all by itself? Turmeric (curry, anyone?), pomegranates, and more can provide your body with potent immune system boosters and natural weapons against prostate cancer, in Movember and every month. And they are so easy to include as part of your diet, you won’t even know the battle is going on!

Stay active and anything is possible!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Movember Diet Tip #3

Make Movember the month you forego the meat and replace it with delicious plant protein (or at least reduce your intake of meat protein if that’s too much to ask!). Red meat and especially grilled meat and processed meats (e.g., sausage, hot dogs, salami) have been associated with a greater risk of prostate cancer. But will plant protein give you all the protein your body needs? Absolutely! The Recommended Dietary Allowance of protein is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram (2.2 lbs) of body weight daily (or somewhat more if you’re into bodybuilding or heavy physical labor). Translation: about 54 grams of protein daily for a 150-lb adult. Plant protein is abundant in beans, lentils, amaranth, kamut, pumpkin seeds, seitan, tempeh, split peas, and more. And who knows? You may feel so good after Movember, you might make this a habit for the other 11 months of the year. Unfamiliar with some of these plant protein sources?

(the above is referenced from, the official site of The Prostate Cancer Institute, in Men's Health)

Me: I gave up all pork, chicken and beef for almost three now and I feel absolutely great! I've discovered a variety of vegetables and other sources of protein I never knew even existed. I definitely recommend trying to give up meat for at least one week. I guarantee your body will thank you!

Stay active and anything is possible!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Movember Diet Tip #2

I know you've all been waiting anxiously for Tip #2. Well, wait no longer. Here it is!
(PS. This is one of my favourites!)

(PSS. Tip provided to you by, the official site of The Prostate Cancer Institute, in Men's Health)

Why wait for the new year: make a Movember resolution to go Fast-Food Free for 30 days.
(From me: yes, you read correctly, 30 days. Not 3 minutes!) After that, the rest will be easy. Fast food is plagued with the 3 Fs–fatty, fried, and fatal—and puts you on the fast track to bad prostate health. Saturated fat, trans fat, and empty calories are abundant in most fast food, while it is also low in important nutrients and fiber. So if you feel your car steering toward a fast food window, remember: if you can drive through it, drive past it!

Stay active and anything is possible!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Movember Diet

For the next 11 days, I would like to share with you one healthy tip a day from a Diet that I came across from, the official site of The Prostate Cancer Institute, in Men's Health.

Remember, knowledge is power so please share this with your loved ones, friends, and colleagues.


Coffee gets a lot of press, but much of it is confusing and contradictory. Not so with green tea, which is rich in antioxidants called catechins and very low in caffeine. Green tea is the beverage to enjoy every day for better prostate health. Catechins have been shown to fight prostate cancer cells, reduce symptoms of BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia), and help stem the inflammation and bacterial infection associated with prostatitis. Enjoy green tea hot or over ice, in a smoothie for breakfast or with a meal. Make the switch to green tea this month, and you may never look back.

Stay tuned for tip #2!

Stay active and anything is possible!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Start your health and fitness program today!

It’s never too late or too early to begin your journey in health and fitness! Here are 10 steps you can take today to get started. I found these tips through one of my favorite websites, It's full of helpful tips, inspiration and motivational tips. The perfect recipe to help you create a health and fitness strategy and a plan to stick with it!


1. Write out your goals and desires. What’s your wellness vision? Where do you envision yourself three to five years from now? Set three-month and weekly goals based on your wellness vision. Goals should be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Action-based, Realistic and Time-oriented.

2. Ask what, when and how. Make a list of the hurdles that keep getting in your way of living a life of wellness. Then determine which ones are true obstacles – things that you need to work around or find solutions to. And the excuses – ‘nuf said!

3. Have a plan. Rarely, if ever, is any major task or project accomplished without a plan in place. Lay out a plan for accomplishing your goals, as well as solutions for overcoming the hurdles. This is your game plan – it should be flexible, but have fortitude, fun, but not “fluff.” And make it active. Include specific steps you will take to reach your goals.

4. Start a journal. Your goals, desires, barriers, obstacles, excuses, solutions and plan should all be a part of your journal. Make your journal yours. Set it up so it’s easy to use so that you will use it. Include space to just let your thoughts flow. Use it to let out your feelings, vent, rejoice, or celebrate. You’ll be amazed at how freeing it is!

5. Begin your journey where you’re standing now. Where are you right now, this moment, on your journey? Accept where you are and where you need to be and begin the steps necessary to bridge that gap. If, however, you find that old issues keep popping up, preventing you from reaching your goals, you may need to seek counseling. Sometimes the only way to move forward is to first go backward.

6. Take one step at a time. What happens when a builder forgets an important step in building a house? Or a chef leaves out an important ingredient in a recipe? Doesn’t work so well, does it? It’s the same thing with your life. You must take certain steps in order to reach a place of wellbeing—and make it fit your lifestyle.

7. Learn from your setbacks. Making mistakes and experiencing failure is all a part of being human and living. Rather than getting down on yourself, take that setback and turn it into something positive – something you can use to reach your goals. Sometimes life is indeed two steps forward, one step back!

8. Spend some time “cleaning house.” This is intended to be both literal and figurative. When our homes are a cluttered mess, it’s impossible to function well. Ditto for our schedules. Create a list of your activities and decide which ones aren’t contributing to your overall purpose in life. “De-fluff” that schedule and concentrate on those activities that bring meaning to your life, and ultimately to others!

9. Stop comparing yourself to others. We’re bombarded by images of “perfect” bodies every day. It’s easy to get caught up in all of it and feel as though we’ll never measure up – and chances are, we won’t. Let’s get real! These images are results of computer imagery, great lighting, professional make-up artists, self-starvation, plastic surgery and really good genes. Stop comparing yourself to a fantasy and just be the best you that you can be.

10. Reward yourself. It’s OK to feel good about yourself! And it’s OK, and beneficial, to reward yourself for your accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem. A meal at your favorite restaurant, a date at the movies, a new outfit, a bubble bath… whatever you wouldn’t normally take the time to do, as long as it contributes to your wellbeing, is a great reward!

Stay active and anything is possible!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Getting back on track

The most common health and fitness topic this week has been how I do get back on track?

Exercising and eating healthy on a daily basis can be quite challenging. So, what do you do when your motivation decreases and you fall off the fitness wagon? Here are some of my favourite recommendations.

1. Start your day by eating a healthy breakfast. If you eat healthy right from the start, you'll be more likely to stay consistent and eat healthy throughout the day.

2. Exercise for at least 10-15 minutes a day. No matter how busy we think we are, we can always find at least 10 minutes to do 1 exercise. ie. 1 set of 20 pushups followed by 1 set of 20 sit ups.

3. Take the stairs rather than the elevator. Every little bit counts! You can even make this more challenging by walking up the stairs 2 steps at a time.

4. Walk! Take a walk at lunch, get off the bus a few stops earlier, or go for a 15 minute walk when you feel your energy level decreasing late in the afternoon. By moving your body, you are stimulating your muscles, including your brain muscle! You'll find yourself more alert and awake and ready to tackle the rest of your day!

5. Work out with a buddy. We all know that when we make a commitment to a friend, family member or colleague, we are more likely to stick with it. So go ahead and make yourself more accountable by recruiting a buddy into your fitness routine! You'll be doing them a favour as well!

Stay active and anything is possible!